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Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:37 pm
by Voodoomaster
A Dispatch arrives for General Kala; the messenger appears to be an executioner on horseback.

To General Kala,

Kala, I write to you with the utmost urgency, orders from Hellbronne have reached me. They are asking for you, your families and even yourself have been branded heretics. The few agents of yours that I have found in the last few days I have taken into my service for protection, although they shall still work for you.

This News is greatly distressing as it is straining my relationship with Hellbronne even more. I fear that if I am disloyal to her anymore she may have me killed. However this is unlikely as I am high in the favour of almost every other hag queen in Naggaroth. Nether the less the Lord General of Khaine asks you one thing. Do Not Come North unless it is necessary, I fear for your life my ally.

On other Matters you Agents have informed me that a Sorceress by the name of Xaniphera, has entered the city of Ghrond. They also tell me that she is an enemy of yours. Do you wish me to deal with her should I find her or should I save her for you? Write back by the safest route possible.

If this message should fall into the wrong hands then I am I serious danger.


Khael Vraneth, Lord General of Khaine

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:32 am
by General kala
26 Jan

I am astonished beyond the ability of words. A formal charge of heresy has been leveled against myself, my House and the Black Lotus.

I have just returned from the second sortie against the 6th Gate construction site this week. It was my eternal honor to order two of my chariots to ram the keystones. The Druchii drivers were hurled to glorious deaths and the chariots smashed to firewood. But the keystones were cracked and will have to be replaced.

The lives of my suicide charioteers were but one example of the unswerving loyalty of my Black Lotus Brigade. Every Druchii who bears the banner of my House or the Lotus standard would glady do the same to foil the Asur, as would I. Yet the Temple deems us a greater threat to Naggaroth than our traitorous cousins. How typical.

It is some comfort that the Lord General of Khaine does not share the sentiments of his mistress. At least duty appears to be held in higher regard than politics within House Vraneth.

This is without a doubt the fruits of Xaniphera's treachery. Her meddling in the Royal Court and her slanderous use of my family name has brought down this misery upon me. Her motives are becoming plain. She is attempting to ensnare me in the Cult by leaving me with no other allies. But I will not submit to any god, much less those who willingly consort with filthy humans. At least Morathi hasn't turned her personal attentions to destroying me.

It is a further twist of the blade that I now cannot move to deal with Xaniphera without bringing my entire force as an escort. Crone Hellebron doesn't have the power to bypass the entire Black Lotus just to kill me. Even the best Temple assassins would be hard pressed to infiltrate our ranks. But I cannot show my face in Naggarond again unless it is at the head of an army.

Ah, but wouldn't that make Malekith sit up and take notice. The Arnheim front abandoned and an army of "Heretics" marching in force to Naggarond to confront both the Cult and the Temple? It is amusing to envision. But His Majesty does not take well to such surprises.


Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:03 pm
by Lord karelon
27 January
Forward Base Orunion Urmorth Valley
6th Gate of Arnhelm

Lord General Kala

I have been informed by my Father, Lord Saur, that your situation in regards to personal security and the charges of heresy and the troubles at your House’s primary estate have been much discussed among the military and political Great Ladies of the Black Cities. These Great Ladies hold you in high esteem. This is something of a change as most Druchii lords and ladies are seldom so respected by the Black Cities. Confederacy Marshal Uspril Zakti Iylembree has suggested that a company of Drowenarii Shades (female not male Shades) be sent to you as “personal attendants.” They would be instructed to act the part of attendants while providing for your personal security. Unlike those chosen for the Shade companies in the rest of Naggaroth, the Black Cities select from among the best families for candidates that seek the most physically demanding work of the Shade companies. So these female Shades will all be accustomed to the environment of the wilderness and the Court. Your status among the Shades of the Black Cities is so high right now that there is actual talk of a lottery to determine who would be permitted to serve you. As for your enemies being able to infiltrate such a group, the Black Cities are particularly paranoid about “outsiders.” They have developed their own methods of determining the loyalties of those around them. (It is rumored that many Drowenarii female Shades have received training of the Black Arts before they are sent into the field. My own experience with them leads me to be supportive of this suspicion. They can be most uncanny in their abilities.)

If you think such a company would of use to you. Please let me know and I will relay your interest to my Father.

Glory to the Witch King!

Colonel Lord Karelon Lengoth of Melphular
Commandant Fort Maibd, Maibd Pass
Wrath Gate

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:55 pm
by General kala
Lord Colonel Karelon Lengoth
Fort Maibd, Wrath Gate

Greetings Lord Melphular,

I have received your offer for a bodyguard contingent of Drowenarii shades and would be honored to have them. Any reinfocements to the Black Lotus are always a boon. Please send both the request and my kindest regards to your father. However, there is another favor that I may need to ask of Lord Saur Lengoth.

Velari Keep has been the citadel of my family since the founding of Naggaroth. Ydrazel Velari, the grandfather of my great grandfather, actually fought at Malekith's side during the Sundering. His plunder from Ulthuan paid for its construction.

But even though the souls of the Velari warmasters rest in tombs of ice beneath the halls, it may become necessary to abandon the ancestral manor of my House. Should the heresy charges stand beyond the politics and power plays of this civil war, I will need a new place to call home. Thus I ask your father to set aside a fiefdom for me in the Southern Marches. Somewhere near the Blackspines would be preferable.

It is my sincere hope that I will not have to take up this favor. But one must be prepared.

May your blade stay wet,
General Kala Kodai of House Velari
Commander, Black Lotus Brigade

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:15 pm
by Lord karelon
28 January
Forward Base Orunion Urmorth Valley
6th Gate of Arnhelm

Lord General Kala

I must apologies for not reporting on the progress of the campaign here against the Kontan Camp defenses of the 6th Gate. We have been busy this past week.

During the past week we have fought the following battles:
Morahoeth Battle of the Western Approach (DE vs HE – 5,500 pts) Pitched Battle (21 Jan) Massacre victory for DE
Asynion Battle of the Southern Approach (DE vs HE – 3,000 pts) Meeting Engagement (22 Jan) Solid victory for DE
Talyndir Battle of the Northern Approach (DE vs HE – 3,000 pts) Pitched Battle (23 Jan) Massacre victory for DE
1st Day of the Battle of Shelen Amriel Junction (DE vs Bret – 4,000 pts) Meeting Engagement (24 Jan) Draw
2nd Day of the Battle of Shelen Amriel Junction (DE vs Bret – 4,000 pts) Pitched Battle (25 Jan) Draw
3rd Day of the Battle of Shelen Amriel Junction (DE vs Bret – 4,000 pts) Pitched Battle (26 Jan) Minor victory for DE

As a consequence of the need to inflict maximum casualties on the Asur and their allies the Bretonnians here I have ordered that when any battle is a draw the onsite commander will not withdraw from the battle site, but prepare for further battles until either the Asur or they are defeated. As a result the 1st Maibd Pass Raider Brigade continued to engage the Bretonnians at Shelen Amriel Junction until after three days of battle they achieved a minor victory over the Bretonnians and the Bretonnians withdrew from the field of battle.

During the Morahoeth Battle of the Western Approach, I relieved Prince Commander Thonullan Hareon of his head. I now send it to you in a pickle jar as this has preserved the sour look on his face when I killed him. I have not removed his ears.

The stage is now set to launch direct attacks against Kontan Camp. We control all four accesses to the Camp. The Asur and their Bretonnian allies are cut off. This weekend we begin the destruction of the Asur in the Orunion Urmorth Valley.

The Bretonnian Baron Derles is now in command of the Asur camp as the senior surviving commander there. As he has just finished a three-day battle and losing it, it will be interesting to see how he handles the situation when I bring the bulk of the Maibd Pass Army against him.

Glory to the Witch King!
Honor to General Kala Kodai of House Velari!

Colonel Lord Karelon Lengoth of Melphular
Commander Maibd Pass Army
Forward Base Orunion Urmorth Valley
6th Gate of Arnhelm

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:53 pm
by Lord karelon
[A messenger arrives outside General Kala’s winter quarters at Fort Maibd. He is dressed in gray and black robes with nothing of his flesh visible. He hands a wrapped scroll to the guard and whispers: “To be opened only by Lord Kala.” The scroll is wrapped in spider silk and sealed with blood wax seals and bears the mark of the Warder Lord of the Southwest March. The guard takes the scroll, looks at it and then looks up at the messenger, who has vanished.]

1 February
Citadel of Forlorn Hope
Southwest March

General Kala

Greetings. It is my hope that you are well and your blade still drips from the blood of your enemies, the enemies of the Druchii.

I received your response to the Marshall’s proposal and your request. I convened the March Grand Council this past weekend to discus both. It was an interesting and enjoyable experience. It is always a joy to see the shear terror that Marshal can induce with a few choose words. I will explain both the outcome and the process.

After my Herald called the Council to order, he read the statement of purpose we where there to discuss, you request for a place of refuge should it be needed. Lady Vessra, City Governor of Jhunlelessra attempted to begin the discuss when Confederacy Marshal Uspril Zakti Iylembree cut her off and demanded her right as Marshall to speak first on any matter pertaining to the military of the March. I naturally granted her request (I know it was not worded as a request but as a demand, but we all knew the truth of it). The following is a quote of what she had to say:

“If I hear one word against Lord Saur’s proposal to honor General Kala I shall personal cut the tongue out that speaks it! Kala is a warrior with real fire in her blood. She is one that any of the Great Houses of the Drowenarii would be proud to claim as their daughter. If I were a thousand year younger I would raise an army and lead them to her side! If she should lose her House I will stand before this Grand Council and to claim her for my House!! Hellebron is a fool. Malakith will do well to be rid of her and Morathia as well.

“Lord Saur it is my voice and counsel that at the very least an estate worthy of a great general be selected and offered to General Kala as a place of refuge or at least a winter retreat. I hear it can get a bit cold up north.”

After this there was little to discuss other then how to implement your request.

It was at this time that Lord Surl Khaggithor of Makurl Territorial Governor Northern Broken Lands after voicing his general support for the request caught me off guard by asking about a rumor he had heard that we were discussing sending you a group of “special attendants.” It was not my intent that this should be known outside of the Black Cities. (I trust their security more then that of the other Territories.) I motioned to my Herald for full cloister of the Council. All save the governors themselves were escorted out of the chamber, with the reminder that to speak of anything they had heard in that chamber, without my leave, would cause their lives to be forfeit. We then discussed the Marshal’s proposal to recruit and organize a special Shade company to attend to your personal security. I gave the floor to the Marshal at this point.

She explained that while the Black Lotus legions were in general loyal to you, the sectarians sometimes gave a greater loyalty to their respective cults. Fearing that this might result in someone of dubious loyalty would be able to get to close to your person and take advantage of that to kill you, the military commanders of the Black Cities had decided to offer a company of Shades selected and given refresher training by the Marshal herself. Based on your reputation among the warriors of the Black Cities it was expected that this would be easy to accomplish. Even the Marshal was surprised as the reaction among the Shades to the rumors of this. The Marshal was inundated by requests to be considered for appointment to the company. My son may have mentioned that this resulted in a competitive lottery for the appointments. The final selection resulted in a company of 90 bloodshades commanded by a captain. All took formal grade and pay cuts in order to accept the appointments. All members are Drowenarii females of good births; all of the Great and Lessor Houses of the Black Cities are represented.

Within the week they will begin the trip to your winter quarters in the Maibd Pass. They will come in small groups of two or three to avoid undue attention. Once at Fort Maibd they will present themselves to Justicar 2nd Shal Fene (the Drowenarii sorceress with the Office of the Inquisition at Fort Maibd.), who will certify that they are who they say they. They will then be presented to you for service with you. All candidates are experienced in court and wilderness operations. They will be as inconspicuous at court functions as they are in a wilderness recon operation. They understand they are the daggers guarding your back. The one problem will be if they are identified for who and what they are by either the Cult or the Temple, they may become the targets of the same enmity that exists between the Witch Elves and the Devoted of Slaanesh. Still you should find in them kindred spirits.

There is one observation I should relate. While all of them have been instructed to keep any personal activities far from your pavilion, you may get complains now and then from Druchii lords and lordlings that have either sought or spurned the attention of theses “ladies.” They are female Drowenarii. They are accustomed to males obeying them and not they other way around. When they say “no” there is usually no second rejection without blood. Neither do they take “no” gracefully. When on duty they will act the part of silent attendants, but no one that I know has ever known a Drowenarii female to be subservient. I think you will like them.

As for the request for refuge, I have approved it. Further after discussion with the Council it has been decided to offer you a large section of the eastern Tyrant Peaks Territory. Lord Lian Suerl of Lerorthor is Territorial Governor of the Tyrant Peaks. He has only one other Great House in the territory and has for sometime been seeking a way to create a third Great House there. While the valleys are deep and well watered, the population is spread thin, as is all of the March. If you are willing to accept the lands, even as a second fiefdom, it would do much to increase the Druchii hold over the territory. Further the selected lands are on the eastern side of the Peaks and have a fair view of the Black Spine Mountains. There are also sufficient lands that if you have two capable and loyal commanders that you could nominate to the Council, they could be established as Lessor Houses on the flanks of your lands. After the reaction to organizing a shade company to attend you, we have no doubts that many retired warriors (Druchii and Drowenarii) would be willing to accept land grants within your fiefdom and there by increase the population of the territory. At present there are very few Druchii settlers in the eastern section of the territory.

I look forward to your reply.

May your foes know only the laments of their widows’ and orphans’.
Glory to the Witch King

Lord Warder Saur Lengoth of Melphular
Southwest March

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:33 am
by General kala
Lord Saur Lengoth of House Melphular
Citadel of Forlorn Hope
Southwest Marches

Greetings my friend,

Your letter is a great consolation to me. I will be deeply pleased to have an estate in the Southwest Marches and I have many deserving officers that have long since earned the honor of becoming landed nobility. The respect that I have earned among the Drowenarii Council is an honor as well. I will be pleased when the opportunity arises to finally meet this extraordinary group.

Your elite Shades will not have to deal with insubordinate men. I have made arrangements to have their retinue composed entirely of female officers and male subordinates. They will have minimal contact with my higher ranked male officers. I plan to instruct them personally on the few males that they must obey. I by no means fear for the safety of those males. They are not my officers because of politics or money, if you take my meaning.

But they must arrive quickly! My ranks suddenly swell with those who wish to see this Asur filth washed from our lands. We are assaulting the Asur construction site in force this week. Indeed, I am ordering your son to make ready the bulk of his troops for an offensive. If your Shades do not arrive within a few days they will miss all the fun.

I can feel a change in the winds. My intelligence reports are pointing toward a fundamental shift in this War of Flesh and Blood. But it is more than that. So many former fronts are now decided. So many theatres of battle are now secured. We may be seeing the end of this war. I may be able to meet you in person soon. If your son is a reflection of you, then it will be a memorable time.

A thousand dark blessings upon you and your house,
General Kala Kodai of House Velari
Commander, Black Lotus Brigade

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:37 am
by General kala
2 Feb

I can literally feel the shift in the minds of the Druchii. It is as tangible as the paper that I write on. Something is changing. This war is in its decline.

I had thought my ideals of alliance betwixt the Cult and the Temple was a dead dream. It is a wonder to be so deeply vindicated. I was wrong to despair. All it took was the knowledge filtering down to the troops that the Asur instigated the clashes. The internecine rifts are healing rapidly and the Black Lotus ranks are suddenly bursting with volunteers. Now all eyes turn to our weakling cousins who were not quite clever enough. All blades follow them.

Reinforcements are also suddenly arriving by the wagonload. Lady Vraneth has sent notice that she has broken the Cult in the southlands. She is planning on leaving the less fanatic of the Cult warriors under my command. Of course the human scum must be subjugated, but the Druchii will swell the ranks of the Black Lotus. She has even insinuated that there may be daemons that are to be bound to my service, though slightly worse for wear. What is more, she is returning my honor guard that Lord General Vraneth sent to me so may months ago. The casualties among this Executioner elite are minimal and they are almost at full strength.

I have also had reports that others are moving to the Arnheim front. With the Underway secured and the slave revolt finally put down in Karond Kar, my fellow Druchii are finally starting to send reinforcements that were otherwise tied up. Black Arks even now head to the shores of the Bleak Coast.

Yes, I have thwarted the fourth assassination attempt in a week this afternoon. Yes, I am still officially considered a heretic and an enemy of the state. And yes, Xaniphera is still wreaking havoc with my name and I am hindered from going north to deal with her. But I cannot help feel some elation. I can practically taste the end of this foolishness and it is the sweetest thing that I have tasted in a century.

We will beat down the Asur and be one people again.


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:54 pm
by Lord karelon
[A messenger arrives outside General Kala's winter quarters at Fort Maibd. He is dressed in gray and black robes with nothing of his flesh visible. He hands a wrapped scroll to the guard and whispers: "To be opened only by Lord Kala." The scroll is wrapped in spider silk and sealed with blood wax seals and bears the mark of the Warder Lord of the Southwest March. The guard takes the scroll, looks at it and then looks up at the messenger, who has vanished.]

3 February
Citadel of Forlorn Hope
Southwest March

General Kala

I rejoice with you in the fact that this hated conflict between the sects may soon be over.

I note the urgency of your situation and have inquired of the Marshal her advise on expediting the arrival of the Hamri Shade Company. She is arraigning for a circle of the Black City sorceresses to create a portal between the Marshal's estate and your winter quarters. Please warn your sorceresses and any others that are sensitive to the winds of magic. At high noon today the portal will be constructed and the Hamri Shade Company will pass through it to your camp.

Here is the roster of the Company:

Captain Llaen Angilyn is a Black City trained Shade and sorceress specializing in the Lore of Shadows. She is skilled in the standard Shade weapons of the Black Cities, namely the use of the repeater crossbow and the war ax. She has also trained to use two such axes in close combat. In her battles she has acquired a special set of light armour. It is called the armour of shadows, it acts as a suit of heavy armour that is also harder to hit. There is something about the armour that makes it difficult to focus on in combat. She has also obtained an ax that is similar to our Sword of Chill. She asked to be demoted back to Bloodshade in order to command this company. The Marshal refused to actually demote her, but she is acting as Bloodshade rather then a battalion commander as she had been doing.

The company has a full roster of 90 shades all are Drowenarii females. Many are in fact Bloodshades that asked for a demotion in order to be permitted to join the Company.

As these warriors are all adherents to the sect of the Black Cities and devout, they tend to attract the enmity of the fanatics among the other Sects, such as the Witch Elves of the Temple and the Devoted of Slaanesh of the Cult. So please keep them away from such. They won’t seek out a confrontation with them, but neither will they back down from one.

As you can see they are a rather special group. Use them wisely and they will serve you faithfully. Drowenarii loyalty is hard to obtain, but nearly unbreakable once obtained.

Glory to the Witch King!
Honor to the Black Lotus Legions!

Lord Warder Saur Lengoth of Melphular
Southwest March

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:33 pm
by Onyx paladin
A tattered scroll bearing an emblem you recognize arrives early in the morning. The rider delivering it tells tales of “inquisitions” happening through the north, and black guard stopping anyone for “information sessions.” He explains that the missive is long overdue, but he had to conduct evasive maneuvers and was unable to ride straight here. The letter states the following...

To General Kala:

My thanks for your hospitality at your estates. Your Chamberlain was most gracious. Consider your ill acts from our previous meeting to be expunged from my thoughts. Unfortunately, I could not await your personal attention as you seem fervent in your hunt of the Asur. I will be traveling north to Ghrond to see to some business there. Perhaps we can meet again soon.

I have sent a letter to my superiors as well, commending you on your dedication to holding the Eastern areas. Though I’m sure they are perplexed about your use of Khainites, I have assured them that your intentions are correctly motivated. Much as we use the Chaos tribes as fodder, you use the Khainites as yours.

General Democles should have arrived near your deployment area by now. I would recommend meeting him yourself if at all possible. The documents I have sent along with this message should allow you access to what artifacts we were able to bring back from the south. While there are certain trinkets he will keep from you, I can see no better person than you to donate them to until the end of this turbulent time.

Here in the capitol, news and rumors of the passes to the Southern Reaches being returned to Khainist control are spreading. I think this would bode ill for all of us. Send General Democles back to the South to reopen the passes. Of course, if you take a liking to him, perhaps you should keep him on retainer a while. He has many charms that can be pleasant. I have a note empowering you to give him direct orders enclosed here as well.

The Cult of Pleasure is willing to support you, to an extent. Your Slaanesh-worshipping troops will be named heretics and you along with them if Hellebron and her crones win the day. If you have need of any more help, send a messenger to Ghrond, and I’ll see what assistance I can provide. I anxiously await your response.

~ Lady Xaniphera

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:58 pm
by Lord karelon
4 February
Ex-Asur Kontan Camp
6th Gate of Arnhelm

Lord General Kala

I write to you from my pavilion in the midst of the ruins of the former Asur Kontan Camp. In the past six days the Maibd Pass Army has fought four battles, two of which lasted two days each and we have been victorious!

Summary of battles:
29 Jan Battle for Kontan Camp, Western Approach (DE vs Asur-Bret. – 5,500 pts) Pitched Battle - Massacre victory fro DE
30-31 Jan Battle for Kontan Camp, Northern Approach (DE vs Bret/Asur – 3,000 pts) Pitched Battle – Solid victory for DE
1 Feb Battle for Kontan Camp, Southern Approach (DE vs Bret/Asur – 3,000 pts) Breakthrough Scenario – Solid Victory
2-3 Feb Battle for Kontan Camp, Eastern Approach (DE vs Bret/Asur – 4,000 pts) Massacre victory for DE

Due to the sever casualties the Asur suffered in the prior week, it was Bretonnian regiments that bore the brunt of the fighting in these battles.

On the 29th of January I lead the 1st SWR Provisional Brigade consisting of five battalions and my Bodyguard against the western approach to Kontan Camp. We faced the Bretonnian Baron Derles Girmond Arniele Delociele of Corpeles with his Errantry regiment and one and a half battalions of Asur. In single combat I grievously wounded Baron Derles but failed to kill him. We then went on to massacre all of his forces. I would be sending you his head but his Questing Knights made a last ditch rescue of his nearly lifeless body and his personal banner. Instead I send the head of his battle standard bearer, Lord Colonel Frarilie Dobrine Palien. I must give honor where honor is due. Col. Frarilie sacrificed himself in that rescue of his lord, so his head retains his ears as a testament of his courage and loyalty.

During the 30th and 31st Colonel Lady Helynirthel Zeeljruit (Dr-f) lead her 2nd SWR Provisional Brigade against the northern approach to the Kontan Camp. She faced Colonel Nirves Marielle of Corpeles with his Errantry regiment and one Asur battalion. She won a solid victory after two days of battle. The Bretonnian and Asur survivors, without hope of reinforcements, were forced to scatter and find their own way back to Arnhelm.

On the 1st of February Colonel Saurl Kherida lead the 3rd SWR Provisional Brigade against the southern approach to Kontan Camp. He faced Colonel Thierilie Surmene of Bestières with his Errantry regiment and an Asur battalion. Both enemy commanders were wounded in single combats at the start of the battle. In a single day of battle Colonel Saurl savaged the Bretonnians and achieved a solid victory. Having suffered such a solid defeat the Bretonnians and Asur broke for the surrounding forests and are attempt to make their way back to Kontan Camp, not knowing the Camp no longer exists. Lt. Colonel Hurald Regitte battle standard bearer to Colonel Thierilie Surmene of Bestières unwounded from his challenge battle led the most solid of the Bretonnian and Asur defenders in a delaying action to allow the wounded and disorganized an opportunity to escape the battlefield. For his gallantry he paid with his life. While not a lord, I send his head to you as a trophy. As a sign of respect for his courage, I have left his ears attached to his head.

During the 2nd and 3rd of February Colonel Kurgoth Drarun Mon lead his 1st Maibd Pass Raider Brigade against the eastern approach to the Kontan Camp. This is also the route back to the 6th Gate of Arnhelm. The Prophetess Iormas Teáreum with her regiment and two Asur battalions faced him. On the first day of the battle, the Drowenarii Captain Dumrae Belia challenged and severely wounded the Prophetess. On the second day the Prophetess refused to face Capt. Dumrae again. During the two days of battle the Asur battalions were destroyed and the Bretonnian regiment savaged. Colonel Kurgoth won a massacre victory over the enemy. The Druchii battalions took similar serious casualties, but are still intact. The Bretonnians and the remnants of the Asur battalions had to break off the battle and flee into the forests and to seek their own way back to Arnhelm. The Prophetess Iormas Teáreum was too badly injured to escape so in an act of sacrifice she put her remaining strength into her magic to cover the escape of her troops. I send you her head as a trophy. I am also recommending the promotion of Capt. Dumrae to Major.

During the six days of fighting the Asur lost 2,170 killed and 4,340 captured. We lost 3,720 killed and missing. While the battalions that have won the battles to this point are to worn to be battle ready anytime soon, I still have the Maibd Pass battalions. They are being called forward and will take the fight to the Asur at the construction site of their 6th gate.

The Orunion Urmorth Valley Campaign is over. The valley and its approach to the 6th Gate are ours. I shall meet you at the ruins of the 6th gate.

Glory to the Witch King!
Honor to you and the Black Lotus Legions!

Colonel Lord Karelon Lengoth of Melphular
Commander Maibd Pass Army
Former Asur Kontan Camp
6th Gate of Arnhelm

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:21 pm
by General kala
In the camp where the Cult has fallen back from Ghrond, a masked messenger moves about through the crowds. He searches for a face among the hundreds of Druchii Sorceresses. He finally finds one who is particularly beautiful even among the ravishing beauties of Slaanesh. He walks up to her and throws a scroll case at her feet. The mud splashes up on the skin of her legs. He then turns with a whirl of his cloak and walks away without a word. In the case is a letter.

My Dearest Xaniphera,

I am delighted to hear that you enjoyed the accommodations of my late Chamberlain. He excelled at sycophancy and was duly rewarded for it. I trust that bantering about my House name in Ghrond and Naggarond has been both beneficial to you and has achieved all that you had hoped for?

I will spare you the details about Democles other than to say that he will assault the Asur with us and will not head south. The cousins have always been the true enemies and it will still be thus when this little insurrection is finally brought to a close. But, oh my! Such a thought makes me wonder. What will become of you when the war is over and Cult is just another infantile political clique?

I have my duty to the Black Throne, Xaniphera. A duty to Naggaroth and the Druchii. I fight for our birthright and our destiny. I cannot come to greet you as you so richly deserve. I can only offer you the knowledge of our future relationship.

You will never have my affection. I will never adore you. Neither will you drive me to obsession as you did to Democles. Once this letter is penned, I will forever ignore you. Should I meet you again by chance, make no mistake you will die. But I will kill you wordlessly and painlessly. I now understand that attention is the thing that is truly sacred to you. Pleasure and Pain are merely the perks.

You will never again be granted any attention or sensation from me other than icy disdain and ignominious death.

General Kala Kodai Velari
Last Highborn of House Velari

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:27 pm
by General kala
4 Feb

This morning I arose to inspect the troops before the last battle that I will see in this war. It was breathtaking. We are thirty thousand strong. The influx of reinforcements from Lady Vraneth and the new recruits from Lord Melphular and elsewhere in Naggaroth have all assembled. The First, Fifth and Seventh Divisions of the Black Lotus Brigade have been combined into the new Unified First.

Xaniphera has written to me. Truly she believes that the very heavens revolve around her. In the same breath she both mocked me and invited me to share her companionship. Her commendations for me to her superiors in the Cult will fall upon deaf ears. Morathi utterly despises me and she alone has the ultimate say. If Lonicera herself recommended me, the Queen Mother would still spit at her feet.

But I am nonetheless going to take her gifts. She offers me Lord Democles as if he were her favorite pet. Perhaps he is at that. But I will put him to the uses of Druchii warlord and not a soft-skinned pleasure seeker. I have sent her degrading note of command to him. I have bid him to send me the treasures of Lustria, along with orders to attack the 6th Gate without mercy. The Southern Reaches are no longer of any consequence. The Lizardmen cannot travel this far north in the dead of winter and the Undead have halted their advance south of the Petrified Forest. Should he survive the attack, I will release Democles. I have no further need of him.

I must admit that I am intrigued. Had we met under different circumstances perhaps Xaniphera would be worthy of my respect. Of all the tribulations of this war, she has been the most unpredictable and effective. Had she not betrayed me out of selfishness and religious zeal would I have called her a friend? I shudder to think of such a thing.

But I have penned a reply and will think no more on her until the battle is past. I am acting as Field Marshall and will need all my wits about me. I go now to begin the Ritual of Arms. The great artifact that my late brother captured in Albion has arrived from my treasure vaults at Velari Keep. It is a gauntlet of unearthly metal that pulses with power. I once saw him shatter a chariot with a single blow from it. I will wear this mighty tool of destruction and smash the Asur stonework with my own hand.

Lord Colonel Lengoth has done a spectacular job of clearing the valley before us. We attack at sunset. The assault may last for days on end, for I will not return unless the Asur Gate lies in ruin.


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:41 am
by General kala
It is with great regret that I, Lord Deimozael of House Kith, Seneschal of House Velari, acting Commander of the Black Lotus Brigade, write in this journal. For my master, General Kala Kodai Velari the Unbeliever, Last Higborn of the illustrious House Velari, Lord of the Wrath Gate and Scourge of Arnheim, lies dead before me.

Her dying body was brought before us just after the 6th Gate fell. A shard of an Asur-forged blade was lodged in her chest. With such force was this death blow struck that the shard cannot be removed and her armor is forever locked in place. Thus shall she be sent to the Ice Tombs of Velari Keep, her body forever frozen in the armor of Druchii warlord.

It must be said that this noble Druchii died as she would have wished. Her last actions were to bring down the 6th Gate with her own hands and banish the Asur cowering back to their citadel. None could have asked for a more valiant and honorable death.

The last words she breathed into my ear were cryptic. An eternal riddle that I will ponder until my dying days. She said "b*stard called me lady". Surely it is a message of wisdom from the very lips of Khaine were I to but fathom its meaning.

I am assuming command of the Black Lotus regiments until they can be assigned to new tasks. The United First, formerly the 5th and 7th divisions will be handed to the command of Lord Colonel Karelon Lengoth in order that he may continue to press the hated cousins from Arnheim. The Honor Guard of Har Ganeth will be returned to Duke Tularc to await the pleasure of the Lord General of Khaine. The Drowenari shades will accompany the body of the General on her long journey back to the manor of her House. All other regiments that remain under the Black Lotus banner will form my own command, for I will avenge her.

As a final gesture, I am sending this journal to the Lord General of Khaine, Khael Vraneth, that the words and wisdom of General Kala Kodai of House Velari would not be forgotten by future warlords of the Druchii.

As Lord Melphular once said to her - "Death is as light as a feather. Duty is as heavy as a Mountain."

May your blades stay eternally wet,
Lord Deimozael of House Kith
Seneschal of House Velari

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:21 pm
by Ansob.
Seneschal Deimozael.
From Captain Asadh Vehlta of the Crimson Company.
It is with great pain that those who serve me and myself have learnt of General Velari's excommunication from the Temple of Khaine and further death at the hands of the Asur.
Though we are greatly saddened by the loss of such a great military mind - perhaps, even, one of the greatest to have ever served under our lord and saviour, the Witch-King - we take pleasure, however meagre it may be, in the fact that General Velari succeeded in her self-appointed task, the destruction of the sixth gate of Arnhelm in the way she did.
Pity so few of us retain what might was once ours; pity, also, that the weak are not always the ones to die that the strong might endure.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:49 pm
by Lord karelon
9 February
Liond Cruarel
6th Gate of Arnhelm

Lord Deimozael of House Kith
Seneschal of House Velari

It was with great regret and sorrow I announced to my warriors the death of General Kala. I have sent word back to Orunion Urmorth to alert my commanders there of this tragedy.

I will assume command of the United First as you directed.

General Kala began the destruction of the Asur in Naggaroth. We will finish it.

General Kala destroyed the foundation of the Asur 6th Gate. We will salt the ground that it never arises again.

General Kala showed us that loyalty to the Witch King was our first duty. We will live our lives or give them up to prove that loyalty.

It has been my honor to serve as General Kala’s subordinate. I will treasure this as the highlight of my life.

Glory to the Witch King!
Honor to the House of Velari!

Colonel Lord Karelon Lengoth of Melphular
Commander Maibd Pass Army
Liond Cruarel
6th Gate of Arnhelm

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:34 am
by Langmann
Lord Deimozael of House Kith,

It is with some regret that I learn of the death of another brave Druchii at the hands of the vile heretics, the Asur. General Kala died honorably, like all true Druchii, with the blood of her enemies before her and their destructon assured. The souls of the Asur enshrouded within the pitiful so called 6th Gate of Arnhelm were crushed by her Mailed Fist of Khaine and for all eternity will shriek his name in endless pain as they languish in his underworld.

Another lesson has been learned today. Long have I feared for Kala, for her soul did not appreciate the True shape of Khaine that resides within our Blessed King. She questioned His power. She questioned His authority. But know this, all questions have been answered on this bitter morning. The King knows all and all are judged by Him. Kala died because she did not serve the Master, but rather she served herself. The price of failure has ever been ultimate.

Colonel Lord Karelon Lengoth of Melphular has already put this well.

Know this. All of us are pawns of the Master. Even I who has lived thousand of years under the cold sun of our Homeland. I who walked the blessed stone of Naggarythe in the Days of our Naiveity.

We are all pawns. It is well to remember whose game you play.

Now to matters.

Lord Deimozael, I have assembled a list of traitors who must not see this night. Attached to the list is the Seal of the Witch King himself, suffer disobedience at your own peril. See that this is done, if you please and in the manner of your choosing.

Lord Colonel Karelon Lengoth, I will be arriving on the sixth night of the sixth month of this year. I trust your troops will be ready. We will ride together against the Asur and burn them from this earth. Their fate is already written in blood and salt.

This is all for now.

Dread Lord Grias Thornblood
Lord of the Southern Reaches and Commander of Such Armies
Dread Knight of Hag Graef

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:57 pm
by Lord karelon
10 February
Liond Cruarel
Ruins of the 6th Gate of Arnhelm

Dread Lord Grias Thornblood
Lord of the Southern Reaches

Dread Lord

Upon your arrival, the United First and the Maibd Divisions will be ready for the offensive against Arnhelm. I regret the SWM Division will not be present as under the terms of their loan, with the destruction of the 6th Gate they are returning to their commands. I may be able to obtain a second division from Lord Saur as reinforcements for this offensive.

In the words of my old nanny (She would do terrible things to me if she ever heard I had called her that): “If we do not stand and fight as one, we will die, alone, and forgotten.” Now is the time for all Naggaroth to renew their allegiance to the one true king of the Elves, Malekith, the Witch King.

Glory to the Witch King!
Blood and Salt for the Asur of Arnhelm!

Colonel Lord Karelon Lengoth of Melphular
Commander Maibd Pass Army
Liond Cruarel
Ruins of the 6th Gate of Arnhelm