SAU 18 - Darkness Calling

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SAU 18 - Darkness Calling

Post by Kinslayer »

The small town of Xaroth was usually a busy place, found just a short ride east of its larger counterpart Xandir, a trading town found just off the northward road somewhere between Ghrond and the Capital. It owed this to the fact that Xandir was the ideal place to stop and resupply when travelling on a long journey north or south, but was so utterly focused on trade that it had forgone all space for residence. At first the townsfolk had been simply pushed back and crowded in as new markets, taverns and the like were opened almost weekly. Before long though some families had had enough of their newly restricted living style, and moved away from the road to build houses further uphill. Those houses looked down on Xandir from the eastward hills, close enough for their folk to reach their jobs in the town but far enough that the constant stream of travellers did nothing to disturb them. Seven years later and almost the entire populace of the trading town now had homes at what was no longer just a hill occupied by several houses, but a small residential town in its own right.

The townsmen would walk down to the trading town in the morning and open their market stalls, stables, inns and smiths to the public, leaving their sons to guard their women from the ever present dangers of the wild. It had become routine for the men to be away for most of the day, but Xaroth was still usually a hub of noise and commotion in its own right. Lately even the taverns of Xandir had become crowded and overused, and a few of the more daring families of Xaroth had opened the doors of their homes to those travellers laden with extra coin. While their husbands worked the stalls and stables of the larger town, housewives would accommodate travellers to earn what little gold there was to be found, be it through a warm room and a hot meal, or wares much less discussed and much more frowned upon. It had only taken weeks for word of such things to spread to all ears in Xandir, and now small markets and stores were springing up in every spare corner of the smaller town. Xaroth, it seemed, was doomed to the same fate as its cousin just down the hill.

Usually busy, but not today.

Another part of the towns’ short history was the vivid myths and stories about the hills it sat upon. Everyone knew that the wilds along the roughly charted roads between the southern reaches of Naggaroth and those more populated in the north were places of danger, even to merchants travelling with caravans of armed guards. The name of the towns Xaroth, however, held more cause for a chill down the spine than most. The long road from Naggarond and the trading town sat upon it was a busy one, but it lay on only one of the four sides of the town. Thanks to the steep hills of the surrounding area the town was quite cut off, even from the road and Xandir only a couple of miles downwind. Over the hills in one direction was a stagnant marsh, a bog filled with rotting trees and corpses. It was here that adventurous lads went missing, and if the rumours were to be believed sometimes returned in the form of spirits, ghosts and the walking dead.

North of the marsh and the town were found the ancient tombs and catacombs of a long forgotten race, a vast area that spanned an unknown distance both above and below the ground. Some claimed the tombs even ran underneath Xaroth, that the town had been cursed by ancient gods for setting its foundations on holy terrain. Whatever the stories, there was truth in the fact that even the town elders knew very little about the ancient catacombs. Few who ventured there returned, and those that did could only map the surface of the region. It was also said that malign activity was often spotted near the tombs by the watchmen and guard patrols of the town. Some claimed they had seen unnatural lights, others that they had stumbled upon the dark gatherings of cults of hooded men. There was one tale in particular that stood out however, told by the traders to scare and frighten weary travellers, the story of the tomb-daemon of Xaroth.

It was said that once a month an ancient being arose from the tombs and came to the town under the guise of a lonely traveller. He would seek out a family that were all too willing to take his coin in return for him lodging with them for a night, and some days later all that would be found of the unfortunates was bloodstains on the walls. Most travellers would leave the town with the story faintly on their mind, soon to be forgotten as they continued with their lives. For the folk of Xaroth it was very real however, something they had to be aware of at all times and try their best to overcome. The tomb daemon, as they had come to call the being, struck only once a month, so when numerous expeditions into the catacombs in search of him had failed, the town had instead taken to hiding. Once a month, when the moons were at their highest, the town would fall silent. No doors were opened, no strangers let in. Yet still, somehow, with the coming of each new dawn a family would be missing, the blood dried to the walls heralding their demise.

The moons were high. That night was approaching. The town was quiet.


"Well that's it, it's official, started one of the two caravan masters guards, "We're out of grub, or at least we will be by the time night falls."

"We've no gold left either!" shouted the other, panic seeping into his voice, "We're done for!"

Caravan Master Kudo span around in his saddle and addressed the pair as they led the precession of three wagons and nine mercenaries up the hill, "Silence yourselves, have faith in my direction. The road ahead will take us to a travellers town."

"And what will we do once there with no gold, resources are not free Sire!" exclaimed Raneth from the back of the line.

Realising his words had gathered the attention of the entire group, Kudo called the caravan to a halt and trotted his steed back down the line. The tall elf glared at them from beneath his dark crown of hair, his piercing green eyes seemingly sizing them each up individually. Kudo had been leading them for months, after hiring most of them at Naggarond before taking the road north. In that time they had come to learn of him as a good leader, both formidable in battle and wise like no other. They had also learned not to invoke his wrath, for the Caravan Master was rutheless and unforgiving. Now, however, he seemed to keep his anger tamed.

"Of course, I do not imply we will find residence and food without cost. What a mercenary can not pay for with gold however, he can pay for with muscle. I'll be damned if there isn't someone at the town with a job that needs doing, and if it means a hot meal and a warm bed, we'll be bloody doing it."

His word was final, and the caravan once again began moving onward.


They reached Xaroth just as night fell, a strong winter breeze resisting their every step as the hills surrounding them whistled their winter harmony. Kudo had led them first into the trading town, but with no sign of a place to stay or even hope to find a task fit for a mercenary, the nine mercenaries had left the wagons with his guards and followed him up the hills to the smaller settlement. Here they found many small Inns, mostly converted family homes, but all had an asking price. Without a gold coin between them, they had to first find someone that was willing to pay them to do what they hoped was nothing irrational. It made sense to begin their search at the nearby Tavern, so they eagerly entered the rundown building and approached the bar.

"What can I get you lads?" asked the barman, spitting into a glass and wiping it with a dirty cloth before placing it on a nearby shelf.

"Nothing," said Kudo, bluntly as ever, "We need to find work. We are ten strong and experienced fighters. What say you to that?"

"You'll have to try down the hill, you won't find ought up here in Xaroth" the barman replied, almost turning away.

"You see," said Ubba with an angry hiss, "We'll starve here before we ever earn a penny."

"That may not have to be the case..." came the husky voice of a stranger, causing all ten of them to turn around in alarm, hands on the hilts of their weapons.

They were met by a hulk of an elf, dressed as one of the towns watchmen, carrying an old hatchet loosely over one shoulder. The grey haired elder seemed to relish in their suprise, smirking to himself before opening his free hand in mock surrender.

"A little jumpy for a band of brave mercenaries, are you not? Nevermind, I heard you seek work in the town. The barman did not lie, there is none. As you are adventurers though, perhaps you would be interested in a little story..."

And so, taking seats at a nearby table, thus started the tale of the Tomb Daemon and the reward on his head.


Dust and debris rained down from the low ceiling above them as the watchman shut the wooden hatch over their heads, leaving them shrouded in shadow for a moment. A sudden flash heralded the ignition of a brazier, and from the first several more burning torches were lit and passed around. Kudo still stood at the head of the group, a torch in one hand and his silver sword in the other. The caravan master looked around to check they were all armed and with light, before nodding his head in the direction of the passage ahead of them. The cold stone walls boxed them in and made them feel uneasy, but Kudo reassured them by taking the first step into the gloomy beyond. Before long they were following the mazelike web of tunnels and passages, through chamber after chamber, passing unusal obelisks and stone carvings at almost every turn. Some of them made a point of scraping a line in the softened stone beneath their feet as they walked, forming a lifeline back to the wooden hatch to the surface.

Quite what they were hoping to find in these long forgotten catacombs none of them were entirely sure, for the legend told by the watchman was no doubt riddled with lies and exaggeration. If there was a daemon or unholy creature of the night to be dealt with though, they were going to find it. The reward would pay them handomsly and see to it that the rest of their trip to Ghrond was undertaken with heavy pockets. They were almost invigerated by the prospect of a warm meal, having only been given several days worth of dry bread to see them through their visit to the tombs. The barman had claimed giving them food enough for a return journey would have been a waste, since nobody that came down here had yet returned to this day. A dark way of saying good luck to say the least, but they had not let it put them off. What choice did they have?

Following Kudo through the small antechambers of the underground complex of tombs and old statues, the group of mercenaries soon found themselves lost and without direction. If it wasnt for the lifeline they carved in their wake they knew they would never again see the light of day. Such thoughts were pushed aside as they stepped out into a larger chamber however, now an unknown distance underground thanks to the seemingly endless stairways and sloping tunnels. This chamber was dominated by a large sarcophagi, standing upright against the far wall and glistening in their torchlight. It was made of... gold! The ancient burial box was a beacon of wealth in the underground darkness, shaped to fit some unknown but seemingly tall humanoid body. Jewels and gemstones of blues, greens, reds and yellows called to them, almost making them lose sight of their goal in the catacombs.

Kudo approached the ancient sarcophagi, extending a hand and running his fingers along its smooth golden surface, his mouth gaping open with awe.

The change in Kudo was so sudden that none of them saw it coming.

The caravan master suddenly turned around, his eyes alit with hellfire, his voice now changed into something booming deep and ancient.

"You walk amongst the tombs of the ancients little Druchii, and for that you must be undone. I will use this body as a weapon to redeem you all of this sin!"

Kudo lunged, his blade outstretched, his eyes alit with madness.

Tarbo was too, jumping to one side and calling out in shock, just as Ubba and Deroth pounced on the caravan master and tried to wrestle him to the ground. They soon realised Kudo was full of inhuman strength, and he threw them off with an angry roar, swinging his blade around to clear the space before him and glancing left and right with hungry eyes. As one, the mercenaries sprang at their Master from every angle, raining down on him in a flurry of hands and blades, dodging his attack and pinning his limbs to his body, using their weight to drag him to the ground. It took all nine of them to bring Kudo down onto his back, and when his efforts to resist them suddenly ceased they released their grip and slowly backed away from him.

Deep red blood spilled from a dozen sword wounds, their combined efforts to stop the seemingly possessed Druchii having ended up taken his life.

Silence fell over them for a long moment, as if they were waking from a dream and only now trying to piece the fractions of the events together to discover what had happened.

"The door to the chamber!" called Drainial suddenly, "It's sealed us in!"

Left trapped within the burial chamber, Kudo dead at their feet, the mercenaries milled about in confusion for a moment, looking for another way out but finding none. When at last they gave in, they stopped and looked around at each other with paranoid glances.

The same dark feeling spread throughout all of their minds like cancer.

Whatever they had awoken, it was still amongst them.


  1. Raneth
  2. Meteor
  3. Tarbo
  4. Deroth
  5. LordAnubis
  6. Vaari
  7. Drainial
  8. Sidorio
  9. Ubba


With 9 players, 5 constitutes a majority.

It is now the Day. Due to a weekend away Day will become Evening Friday at midday GMT, and the Night phase will run over the weekend.
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Post by Tarbo »

Tarbo beat the dust off his blood-stained shirt (smearing the blood all over) as he stood on his feet. His face bore an elated smile, lopsided with excitement. “Oh, come on,” he said to his colleagues. “Don’t tell me you didn’t stab him with a big friggin smile on your face.”

This guy, with the black hair, grey eyes, and smug grin was Tarbo. Tarbo was a mercenary for the bare gains of it: riches, power, women. As a bastard child from an unnamed noble family, Tarbo’s fall from grace was spectacular but unsurprising. Intelligent, well-spoken, skilled with a sword, he had all the makings of a true noble, but carried one fatal flaw: he was insufferably aware of it.

“Right,” Tarbo said when the situation dawned to him. He pulled thoughtfully on his chin, looking over his colleagues as if judging their mental stability. “Seeing as no-one else has gone on an insanity rage, perhaps we should all speak up, so that we can sort the ones with the booming voices from the underworld into the to-do pile.”
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Post by Raneth »

The haze cleared from Raneth's bright purple eyes to reveal Kudo laying lifeless before him, blood pooling at his feet. Whoops. Sorry, 'Sire', he whispered, before realizing that whatever had possessed his late liege still roamed among the remainder of the group. Straightening his black man-leather longcoat, he took a deep breath to clear his mind, only to end up hacking and coughing as the stale tomb air reached his lungs.

Blast! Seems like we're trapped in this place, too, so if we don't end up killing each other we'll just suffocate after a few days. Well, I know which death I'd prefer. Raneth drew his zweihander, toying with it to pass the time and drive away some of the nervousness, when Tarbo jokingly suggested those with voices like Kudo should be taken out first. Dooooooooom!!! Raneth exclaimed loudly, then laughed at his own joke, followed by yet another bout of uncontrollable coughing. Dammit, I need a smoke...
Vryala Naïlo - WS5 / S5 / T5 / D5 / I4

Equipment: bastard sword of Speed, shield of Defence, repeater (20/20), spear, mace, dagger, Armour of Night, SDC, whip, blowpipe (9/12)
Inventory: amulet of Strength, grapple, grenade x0, smoke x11, map, mage hand, sleep oil x8, cure balms x20, Yori's balms x1, winter gear, old kit, lion mask
Mount: Dark Steed (Blanky), barding, talisman of Protection
Gold: 1735
Skills: Defensive Fighting, Anarin Sarath (2), Basic Ride
Class: Warrior
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Post by Drainial »

Kyran slumped back against a handy rune inscribed obilisk, eyes closed and with a hand clamped against his stomach where Kudo had hit him very, very hard. Gasping for breath reached into one of his pockets to find his hip flask of Virnash, taking a slug of the firery Autaurii spirit Kyran listend to his two fellow mercenaries joke.

He didn't see much to joke about, but then he usualy didn't; where Tarbo was an upper class brat gone bad Kyran had actualy gone up in the world seeing how he came from a family of whores and had hundred possible fathers, losing it all in some god foresaken tomb was not his idea of a good time.
Still, here we are. Best get on with it.

"Right then, if we are assuming that the gribbly that got into our poor lammented gaffer is still on the loose that kind of points the finger at one of us. So what do we do? Chose people at random untill we find the right one?"

Pausing for a moment Kyran took another slug of Virnash, he realy had no intrest in being sober right now
"Actualy that's probobly exactly what we should do, unless someone reveals themselves while we decide who to off." With that the young mercenary trailed off into silence, gnawing at a piece of the black peasant bread the bar keeper had so graciously provided them with.
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Post by Vaari »

Seijl cursed the circumstances that had brought him to this point. Often when following game in the wild, to descend into it's lair was folly, prey forced into a corner where it had a greater grasp of the surroundings was not an enviable situation.A glance at Kudo's body returned Seijl to the present moment. He wasn't that incompetent for a city born, another druchii called to the wandering of the vast wastes. "And if I am not to careful, i'll join him too soon" Seijl mused.

Tarbo's and Raneth's lack of ease was oddly comforting, these two appeared at least to be reacting normally, well as normally as circumstances could allow. It was Kyran's flippant suggestion that a random inquisition should begin that raised his heckles.This was indeed a hunt, different to what he was accustomed to but a hunt nether the less.

"Choose your words and what you imbibe carefully Kyran, less these fools take you up on your kind offer" Seijl aimed snidely at the elf who was recovering from the scuffle. "Though he is most likely right as to the course of action we will have to take and has had the foresight to take charge". Seijl was unsure if this was self preservation or a vile deception on Kyran's part, only time would tell.

Taking his place against a wall with a good view of the others in the company in mind, he waited to see how the quiet ones present would react.

Edit: Spelling - not content.
Group 28
Name - Seijl Illydrien Class- Shade
Character Stats
- WS 6 - - S 3 - - T 3 - - D 4 - - I 4 -
MC Light Armour, MC Buckler, MC Longsword,, Repeater Crossbow, Dagger w/ UC, Dagger w/ DV Shade Cloak. Field Kit (Healing x3), Vials of Unseen Chains (x3 uses) , Vials of Dark Venom (x4 uses) , Lamia Fang, Harpy Claws
Circlets : 260, , Emerald Eye (200Circ.) Rations: 10/10 Bolts: 16/20 , Null Stone
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Post by Drainial »

Kyran looked at Seijl slightly non plussed
"Why would I say something if I didn’t want people to do something about it? It's not a perfect solution, if you have any other ideas, I am all ears."

Shades, he reflected as he waited for an answer, were strange.
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Post by Meteor »

His breathing was heavy, his head throbbed and his heart hammered against his chest from the adrenaline of the fight. Meteor stared down expressionlessly at the lifeless body of their caravan master, full of confidence yet so pathetic.

"weak" he muttered, as he turned his back to the broken body and faced the rest of the crew, his eye scanning their faces under his hood, scanning for any of them with the potential same weak mind the caravan master apparently had. Meteor would gladly tread the rest of this catacomb by himself, they all seemed to be too focused on the so called imminent danger than to find a way out of this cursed place. It would suit him fine since there was eight more bodies left between them for this demon to possess and for them to fight over. It'd provide him with ample of time to escape from this task he had no interest over from the beginning.

However, he remained in the room, there was a chance the others could accidentally kill off this demon. He'd be foolish to walk away from an effortless payment, even though he had a feeling it'd be the death of him. It was something his long lost friend joked to him about back at his Shade academy. Clicking his tongue he stalked to a deform shaped rock up high and sat down waiting for the others to get their acts together, or another one for him to kill.
What's mine is mine, What's yours is mine.
Now that we understand each other, lets get down to business.

Jacks -Shade
- WS 5 - - S 3 - - T 2 - - D 6 - - I 5 -

Short Sword, MC Long Sword*, Dagger, RxB & RHB [20/10] MC Shade Cloak, 4 Throwing Daggers, 3x Healing Vials, 451C, [3]Dark Venom, [4]Unseen Chains, Food, Dark Steed- Spike

Basic Stealth, Awareness, TWF, Suithenlu Khythan, Ride

Magic Item
Eye of the Jabberwock

*Magical properties possibly imbued
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Post by Ubba »

Ubba had just about given up all hope by the time they reached the town. So when the Inn Keeper confirmed his suspicions, it made his already dark mood all the darker.

Just as he was about to go, the Watchman appeared in a quite intimidating manner and mentioned a job that he didn't really like the sound of. Nevertheless, it was a job and he was not going to give it up, just because of foolish tales.

After the Inn Keeper's grim prophecy he resolved to watch himself very carefully. He didn't like being underground, and he never had! He made sure his boot made a deep crease in the dirt covering the winding passages.

He was quite unprepared, when they entered the room at the end. The lurid coffin had a strange feeling about it - one that he didn't entirely like. Still Kudo seemed to have no such misgivings he watched carefully as Kudo touched the strange monument. He suddenly turned , his wild eyes made him look demonic in the shadowy light.

Moments later Kudo spoke in a great booming voice. Ubba didn't catch most of what he said - he was too busy gawping. One of the phrases he did hear was "... little druchii ..."which to him seemed quite appropriate.

Before he could speculate any further , he was whipped back to the here and now as Kudo leaped at the small band, his sword drawn.

Without pausing to think Ubba jumped towards Kudo in a vain attempt to disarm him. He felt himself thrown off with incredible strength. He picked himself up and re-entered the fray. The combined might of the nine mercenaries proved to be a match for the the supernatural force that Kudo wielded.

After a brief struggle, they backed away, leaving the lifeless body of Kudo in a small pool of blood. It was all too apparent that the real enemy was still at large. Ubba backed away in horror trying to make sense of what had just happened.

Just when he was regaining his composure there came the news the they were sealed in.

Wishing to remain inconspicuous Ubba will go and seat himself in the corner of the room furthest away from the gold coffin. He will watch everyone around him carefully for any signs of demonic possesion. All the while he will rest his hand lightly on the hilt of his sheathed sword, in case he has to use it again
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Post by Deroth »

Deroth slumped down muttering, “Why am I always the one getting hit, I think I’m bringing a shield next time”

He looked over at Kudo’s dead body shaking his head, “great, that’s just great. Trapped in a tomb with a demon creature that took all of us to take it down, and I don’t know about you others but I am not looking forward to fighting it at full strength again anytime soon”

Standing up again he swept his long jet black hair off his face and started looking around at the others in the group, “We need to find this thing and then need to find a way out of here.”

Leaning back against the stone wall, he started eating to relax himself.
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Post by Kinslayer »

The tomb fell silent once again, the mercenaries glancing around, wary of one another and the shadowy recesses of the room. They used their braziers to better light the darkness, but even pushing the shadows back did little to ease their nerves. The golden sarcophagi still loomed over them, its forboding shadow seeming to shimmer and twitch in the flickering light. They were trapped, and they were not alone. Something had to be done about that.

"If the daemon sealed us in, maybe the daemon can release us?" suggested Ubba thoughtfully, breaking the dark silence.

"What makes you think it would be so kind," spat Tarbo, "Or do you mean to ask it for this favour and find out..."

"No, he has a point," put in Sidorio, "Perhaps if we rout it out and slay it, the spell sealing the door will be broken."

"And what evidence do you have of that?" barked Deroth, his mouth half full of dried bread.

"None whatsoever, but what other hope is there?" came the reply.

Silence took hold for a moment more, before it was once again broken, this time by Anubis.

"Okay, so we find the daemon and kill the body it has taken posession of. But who decides who to kill?"

Meteor quietly stepped forward from the shadows, "Majority vote. We each vote for whoever we think is controlled by the daemon."

It wasn't the most pleasant idea, but they didn't have any other options.


  1. Raneth
  2. Meteor
  3. Tarbo
  4. Deroth
  5. LordAnubis
  6. Seijl (Vaari)
  7. Kyran (Drainial)
  8. Sidorio
  9. Ubba


With 9 players, 5 constitute a majority.

It is now Evening. A majority vote will now lead to an execution. Evening ends on Monday, at 14h00 GMT.

OOC - I've decided to give the non-posters a chance to post over the weekend, but from now on inactivity leads to an execution.
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Post by Vaari »

Kyran was right, as much as Seijl loathed to admit. At this point the daemon had not made it obvious to where or within whom it resided, randomly offing one of their number was the best way to proceed at this point. No rational approach presented itself, intuition and luck would play their part for now.

Seijl surveyed the room once more, most of his companions had taken places against the walls of the chamber, guarding their backs against the inevitable onslaught that would occur. "Who to choose, who to choose" he mused.

"For no other reason than poor humour, I for the time being vote for Raneth" uttered clear enough for all to hear. Seijl lamented that this stance would undoubtedly lead to a reprisal from Raneth for his nomination, reactive distrust would be rampant over the coming nights, if he managed to survive them.

Vote : Raneth
Group 28
Name - Seijl Illydrien Class- Shade
Character Stats
- WS 6 - - S 3 - - T 3 - - D 4 - - I 4 -
MC Light Armour, MC Buckler, MC Longsword,, Repeater Crossbow, Dagger w/ UC, Dagger w/ DV Shade Cloak. Field Kit (Healing x3), Vials of Unseen Chains (x3 uses) , Vials of Dark Venom (x4 uses) , Lamia Fang, Harpy Claws
Circlets : 260, , Emerald Eye (200Circ.) Rations: 10/10 Bolts: 16/20 , Null Stone
Basic Stealth - Heal
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Post by Tarbo »

“Poor humour? No, that will not do,” Tarbo said with a lopsided smile. “If not for the sad fact that I’ve yet to find an appreciative audience for my own, then perhaps because I’ve a different hunch.

“As you may suspect, I’m all for the ‘random’ vote—which is not as much random as unfounded—with one minor alteration. You see, it seems customary for those in favour of a quick vote to pick someone from the opposing crowd; a custom that perhaps we should break this one time.

“Because why indeed would you bring up a thing you don’t want people to do something about, Kyran? You know very well it is the only course of action. So why did you not do something about it? Here’s my theory.

“You are one of our enemies. You have an ally. Your ally hasn’t spoken yet; he might die soon. You withheld your vote because either you have to vote someone whom you know will turn out innocent, which would put you in a tight spot with some, or you vote off your silent ally, a lost cause, and gain credibility. Hence your idea but no action to back it up.

“Or we could go for poor humour, of course, but I can’t fault you on that.”

Vote: Kyran (Drainial)
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Post by Sidorio »

OOC - sorry about this guys but I'm going to have to pull out of this. I've PM'd Kinslayer about it but basically starting tomorrow I start my Trial exams that go for 2 weeks and I need to be focussing on them as I need to maintain or improve my ranking (preferably improve... I could do with being 1st in some classes).

Sorry again, I didn't think about the time I'd need for studying when i entered.
Vash’nir - WS5 / S4 / T4 / D5 / I3
Equipment: 2 asrai short swords, assassins dagger, silver dagger, modified repeater crossbow (20/20), hunting spear, Cloak of Dusk, full leather armour
Inventory: talisman of protection, talisman of night, smoke bombs x6, rope x2, healing balms x10, climbing axe x2, skinning knives, winter gear, Vikarh map, pouch of powder, 4 fire bombs
Mount: Dark Steed (Falken)
Gold: 2270
Skills: Stealth, Two Weapon Fighting, Basic Ride
Class: Shade
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Post by Drainial »

Kyran looked at Tarbo
"I thought it might be sporting to let a few more people speak up before voting for someone, if you recall at the time we hadn't even decided that that was what we were going to do. I don't recall you suggesting a name the first time you opened your mouth." (OOC: Well of course 'Drainial' knew, but Kyran didn't)

"In any case, as we have no evidence to go on, Raneth will have to do. Sorry Raneth, just the luck of the draw I am afraid."

Vote Raneth
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Post by Meteor »

Meteor sat back on his stone slab amused at the event unfolding in front of his eyes. "poor Raneth" he chuckled to himself, it didn't surprise him that Raneth would be first pick, the fool had it coming sooner or later if his smoking didn't claim his life first.

If he hadn't known Tarbo better, he would've thought the guy was possessed by a gibbering daemon. He never had a liking for that druchii, Tarbo acted too much like those political Nobles, and Meteor only knew too well how dangerous they were, not for their martial prowess, but their influential lies.

They seem to have forgotten about those who had said nothing at all after slaying their weak little caravan master. Scanning their faces, Meteor would be more wary of them, their uncaring attitude annoyed him, for it meant he himself had to do the work and thinking for them. It was then that Meteor realised he was pondering on this affair too much, brushing the thoughts aside, he plucked a bolt from his pouch as he yawned. He threw the bolt into the middle of the room as he lay on his back, it clattered noisily against the musky old stone floor. The noise reverberated around the empty room for a few seconds before it fell silent, the bolt having gone still, pointing towards Tarbo.

"I pick whoever the bolt is pointing at" Meteor called out into the empty silence after the clanging of the bolt ceased to echo. He looked around from where he lay down on his back, "Ah what a coincidence!" Meteor exclaimed, "I somehow knew the bolt would pick you, funny how fate works out when tampered with eh?" he chuckled.

With that he wriggled into a more comfortable position on the sandy floor, hands crossed behind his head, one leg bent up, the other crossed over it and hummed as he closed his eyes for a nap whilst the others decided what to do.

Vote: Tarbo
What's mine is mine, What's yours is mine.
Now that we understand each other, lets get down to business.

Jacks -Shade
- WS 5 - - S 3 - - T 2 - - D 6 - - I 5 -

Short Sword, MC Long Sword*, Dagger, RxB & RHB [20/10] MC Shade Cloak, 4 Throwing Daggers, 3x Healing Vials, 451C, [3]Dark Venom, [4]Unseen Chains, Food, Dark Steed- Spike

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Post by Ubba »

I do believe that , if we kill the demon then the doors would open, so to speak. I also think that if we kill someone now the chances of us getting the demon are about one out of nine and that we will probably kill someone, who we need as one of our number, to fight against the demon, and thereby, diminish our chances of survival.

We should wait see if we can find any proof of possession: change in eye color, hair color and voice, or even some evidence of mutation, however slight. Mutation, although it is less common among us elves, is still possible.

Ubba will wait and see what the rest have to say about this, and if they insist that he votes, he will vote for who ever has the least votes against them. He will also keep his guard up, and be prepared for any more strange unexpected events, or any fighting that may break out.
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Post by Drainial »

"The odds of finding the daemon first time are one in nine, not great I will admit, but what are the chances of finding some visual clue? Seems to me that for whatever reason it wants to remain hidden, so the chances are that's exactly what it is going to do. Maybe we will be lucky and someone will grow a third eye for have a horn sprout from their backside, but I wouldn't count on it,"
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Post by Raneth »

At Kyran's words, Raneth chuckled loudly and lit up a freshly rolled gigarette, quite uncaring of the limited supply of oxygen in the cave for him and his peers. Luck of the draw, eh? he asked while walking up to Kyran. He brought his face close to the other's and blew a cloud of smoke in his eyes. Well, am I glad this isn't a popularity contest. The first vote I can understand, but the second is kinda risky. Now, tempting as it might be to cast my vote on you; it will not do - for you already have a voice against you, and I'd hate for the real killer to remain inconspicuous and get away with it...

He looked to Ubba. Sorry, mate. Nothing personal.

Vote: Ubba
Vryala Naïlo - WS5 / S5 / T5 / D5 / I4

Equipment: bastard sword of Speed, shield of Defence, repeater (20/20), spear, mace, dagger, Armour of Night, SDC, whip, blowpipe (9/12)
Inventory: amulet of Strength, grapple, grenade x0, smoke x11, map, mage hand, sleep oil x8, cure balms x20, Yori's balms x1, winter gear, old kit, lion mask
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Post by Deroth »

Looking around Deroth laughed, "So our great plan to try find out who is guilty and probably trying to eat us is to vote for as many different people as possible, Somehow I don't think that is going to solve the problem.

I am also going to vote for Raneth, spreading the votes out over even more people just makes us less likely to vote someone out. He claims suspicion on someone and then proceeds to vote for someone completely different."

Vote: Raneth
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Post by Raneth »

Raneth now laughed loudly, fully understanding the crude mob mentality that had taken hold of most of the cave's occupants, and lit another cigarette in expectancy of his own demise. Even in death, Deroth, I shall mock your stupidity...

Change vote from Ubba to Deroth
Vryala Naïlo - WS5 / S5 / T5 / D5 / I4

Equipment: bastard sword of Speed, shield of Defence, repeater (20/20), spear, mace, dagger, Armour of Night, SDC, whip, blowpipe (9/12)
Inventory: amulet of Strength, grapple, grenade x0, smoke x11, map, mage hand, sleep oil x8, cure balms x20, Yori's balms x1, winter gear, old kit, lion mask
Mount: Dark Steed (Blanky), barding, talisman of Protection
Gold: 1735
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Post by Kinslayer »

OOC - This looks like it could be a short game, with only nine players to begin with and a few now dropping out, I guess that's my fault for trying to run it over the holiday season.

The flickering light of the braziers illuminated the underground chamber as the nine Druchii sat and debated a course of action. They had already checked the walls for another way out, and all had the feeling that the tomb daemon was still amongst their number. Clearly the beast had thought it could overcome them with strength at first, but after they had riddled the possessed bodu of Kudo with sword wounds it had reconsidered. Was it now moving amongst them with stealth, or was the possessee mainly biding his time? One thing they were all in agreement with however, was that they needed to find and destroy the beast, before it killed them all.

The idea of random voting was not easily adopted by all, but those either more headstrong or more desperate for a way out seemed to take to the idea more readily. When votes started being passed around however, some got a little more unnerved than others. Raneth heard his name mentioned more times than any other, and putting on a brave face he approached Deroth and spoke what could well be his last words. Still coughing on the exhaled pipesmoke, Deroth suddenly grabbed Raneth by the throat and pushed him back, almost tripping him onto his back at the center of the room.

"Our votes are cast, are we all in agreement?" said the warrior, his hand playing with the hilt of his blade.

Raneth looked up, not letting the fear of death he was now starting to feel seep into his expression. He gave the others in the chamber a stern look, knowing they were making a mistake, but powerless to stop them.

"We are" came the general consensus from the group, and they fell upon Raneth in much the same way as they had done Kudo.

Raneth died in silence, not giving the mob the satisfaction of his screams.

When at last the mercenaries withdrew from the now lifeless body that had been one of their own, they looked down on him and then around at each other. That feeling, the thought that the daemon still lurked nearby, had not left them. Paranoia seemed to be setting in, and it quickly became apparent that during the execution Anubis had been cut by a stray blade. The warrior turned on the nearest, Sidorio, with the ferocity of a wildcat. He shoved the other mercenary in the direction of the golden sarcophagi, holding up his bleeding wrist for all to see.

"He is the daemon! He makes his strike when all eyes look elsewhere, See! The evidence is dripping from my wrist!"

Sidorio raised his blade in defence, but took an aggressive step towards the red faced mercenary.

"Give it up, my blade did not touch you, but give me a reason to make it so again and so help me Khaine I will see that it does more than just nick your forearm."

Anubis lunged, spitting an angry retort and calling blasphemy on the Sidorio, but the other warrior was too fast to simply stand idle and be attacked. They fell upon each other in an instant, much to the dismay of the rest of the group, Anubis plunging his blade into Sidorios gut just as he received three foot of steel to the shoulder. Anubis ripped his blade free and plunged it forth again, sending Sidorio to his knees, the warriors blade cluttering to the floor beside him. Bleeding heavily from his shoulder, Anubis continued to string out curses and threats as he opened up the throat of Sidorio in an arc of crimson rain.

No sooner had he done so, than he turned on the others, anger bursting through from within.

"No daemon will take me, I will slay you all if it means my freedom! Watch him die and know that it is the fate of you all, unless that door opens right this instant!"

Silence fell.

The door did not move.

Anubis sprang forwards with an angry cry on his lips, but Tarbo and Kyran were already behind him and brought their blades down simultaenously.

"Stay sharp" Tarbo murmured, "Fear leads to madness. Madness to possession."

The floor now slick with the blood of three more bodies, the six remaining mercenaries found places to sit for the rest of the night, the events of the past few minutes still flooding through their minds.


  1. Meteor
  2. Tarbo
  3. Deroth
  4. Seijl (Vaari)
  5. Kyran (Drainial)
  6. Ubba


  1. LordAnubis (Day 1; inactivity) - Innocent
  2. Sidorio (Day 1; inactivity) - Innocent
  3. Raneth (Day 1; voted) - Innocent


With 6 players, 4 constitute a majority.

It is now Night... Night ends on Wednesday, at 18h00 GMT.
Last edited by Kinslayer on Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Meteor »

"Three dead and I didn't even get to gut two of them, it makes me sad" Meteor chuckled as the tension subsided from the bloodbath. "I presume the daemon is still amongst us considering the doors still had not opened for us to leave" Meteor assessed the situation without much care.

Meteor was wary of the presence of the remaining five with him now, the daemon was coming closer to achieving the destruction of them all, then again, they were getting closer to slaying the correct possessed body, if it helps killing the host at all. Wouldn't it just leave and repossess another one of them like how it left the body of their caravan master? Meteor was confused at the approach of senselessly killing each other, to him it'd be wiser to find out who the daemon possessed and capture them rather than attempt to slay it.

Tarbo's personality seems to be changing quite radically, at one point he'd babble on with senseless statements, the next he's poetic. Politics are strange, he concluded to himself.

"Well, anyone else with a bright idea after this foolish mistake of ours?" Meteor spoke to the silent crowd without looking at them as he leveled his repeater handbow at the fallen corpse of Sidorio and Anubis. He fired a salvo of bolts that splattered against their bloodied corpses. "Now I can say I took part in slaying all three of them" he chuckled once more before flinging himself back onto his back and shut his eyes.
Last edited by Meteor on Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What's mine is mine, What's yours is mine.
Now that we understand each other, lets get down to business.

Jacks -Shade
- WS 5 - - S 3 - - T 2 - - D 6 - - I 5 -

Short Sword, MC Long Sword*, Dagger, RxB & RHB [20/10] MC Shade Cloak, 4 Throwing Daggers, 3x Healing Vials, 451C, [3]Dark Venom, [4]Unseen Chains, Food, Dark Steed- Spike

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Post by Deroth »

Well that was a messy and rather ineffective continuation of what has been a very bad mission so far, a third of us dead trapped in a stinking tomb with riches and a bloody demon on the loose. We will need to sort this out quick or we are done for.
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Post by Vaari »

It appeared that Seijl was not alone in feeling that the situation was beginning to get out of hand. His initial suspicion was that Tarbo or Raneth were possessed, due to their apparent ease in this debacle. Yet after Raneth's death and the ones that followed nothing had been resolved. Still no clues had arisen as to where the daemon lay.

"Our quandary remains, and the deamon hides in our silence."It seemed that the only option was to force it to protect itself." This is how it stands from my point of view. I initially suspected the deceased Raneth and Tarbo, Raneth has proved his innocence the hard way. Kyran has given me little reason to suspect him, Deroth and Ubba are tight lipped and Meteor seems not to care from whence the blood flows.." Seijl could not remember the last time he had spoken at such a length. As soon as he got out of this mess, he would abandon this cursed crew for the solitude off the mountains.

"We are running out of time. Unless some can put forth an logical argument, I will have to go with my instincts for now."Seijl glanced once more over the remaining faces, was that a glimmer of intent he caught in Deroths eye? He would soon find out...

Vote: Deroth
Group 28
Name - Seijl Illydrien Class- Shade
Character Stats
- WS 6 - - S 3 - - T 3 - - D 4 - - I 4 -
MC Light Armour, MC Buckler, MC Longsword,, Repeater Crossbow, Dagger w/ UC, Dagger w/ DV Shade Cloak. Field Kit (Healing x3), Vials of Unseen Chains (x3 uses) , Vials of Dark Venom (x4 uses) , Lamia Fang, Harpy Claws
Circlets : 260, , Emerald Eye (200Circ.) Rations: 10/10 Bolts: 16/20 , Null Stone
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Post by Ubba »

I am beggining to expect that there may be more than one person possessed. I personlly thought everyone would see the stupidity of a vote after the disasterous result of the first round. If there are two or three, they will probably make up a majority. This practice of voting will no doubt cause all the innocent to die,because the possessed will always vote for the innocent.

I will vote for Tarbo and I hope you take that as personally as possible. I have had enough of this foolishness.

Vote Tarbo
Ubba will keep his guard up and see what effect his words take, if they try to kill him, know he will try to kill Tarbo.