Conversion Help

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Conversion Help

Post by Seraphyn »

I need help on conerting my 2 new sorceress. i have everything down but i need good ideas on bits for the ornaments on their staffs. thx in advance...
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Post by Darkprincess »

Hmm - you haven't really given me much to work with here, but I'll give it a shot anyway :)

OK, first of all, is your army the traditional DE list, a list optimised for Khaine worshippers (unlikely as you probably wouldn't have a sorceress in that anyway) or a CoP list ?

The answer to this will determine what sort of conversion you are going to do. Since I have a CoP army, I used a glass bead and a few odd bits of other models to make a Slaanesh icon for her staff. For a Khaine sorceress (is there such a thing ?) you could use the top off the WE standard from the command blister pack.

On a more general note, I often use tiny beads, jewellry chain, and odd model bits for conversions, but the first rule of any conversion is to have a firm idea in your head (or better still, on paper) for what you are trying to do. Without some sort of plan, you'll find yourself getting stuck somewhere along the line I assure you - been there, done it :)

What sorceress models are you starting with ?

Assuming it is a fairly straight "normal" staff she will be carrying, I would say to use beads and stuff to add detail. For a more evil look, use skulls, maybe from the VC skellie sprue if you have any handy.

fine wire wrapped around a staff can add nice detail too, and is really simple to do (tie one end in a tiny knot, pull it tight once you have slid it into the right position, then use a toothpick to put a tiny drop of superglue on the knot to fix it securely. Once dry, you can cut off any excess wire with a sharp knife. Now wrap the wire in a spiral form around the staff - fiddly because its so small, but not actually hard to do.
You can thread tiny beads onto wires too for a really ornate look. Thin ribbons might be useful too - paper is fine for this - but it tends to look more Bret than Druchii.

Anyway, good luck and have fun.
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Post by Lord bob »

i'd say anything evil looking, skulls, heads, druchii icons maybe even a bat from VC bat swarm. also big black gems can look good ( some ball of metal of plastic, with green stuff moulded around it) or something sharp and deadly looking (suround a skull with a bunch of curved blades), but personally i don't like putting standards tops on their staves makes them look too much like a standar bearer, i usually try to mould little icons with green stuff (or paint them on)
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Post by Redlightning »

you can try to make some snakes slithering around the staff using green stuff, or just thread that has tons of glue, or a thick wire w/ a green stuff head. you can paint the scales on the skin by painting it a basic color, then using a pin or needle to put little droplettes of paint on.
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