Clockwork's Lists

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Moderator: The Dread Knights

Posts: 625
Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:57 pm

Re: Clockwork's Lists

Post by Clockwork »

Over in my battle reports thread, I suggested that there would be changes to the list I was using following its performance in a tournament. Well, here they are:

Dreadlord: Cloak of Twilight; Dawnstone; Dragonhelm; heavy armour; lance; shield; Dark Pegasus
Supreme Sorceress: Dispel Scroll; Opal Amulet; Level 3 Wizard; Lore of Metal

Master: Talisman of Preservation; Charmed Shield; heavy armour; lance; Battle Standard; Cold One

12 Darkshards: shields; Guardmaster; musician; standard bearer (Banner of Eternal Flame)
15 Black Ark Corsairs: Reaver; musician; standard bearer (Banner of Swiftness)
5 Dark Riders: shields; repeater crossbows; musician
5 Dark Riders: shields; repeater crossbows; musician

6 Cold One Knights: Dread Knight; standard bearer
5 Shades
18 Har Ganeth Executioners: Draich Master; musician; standard bearer
Reaper Bolt Thrower
Reaper Bolt Thrower

5 Doomfire Warlocks
Bloodwrack Shrine
5 Doomfire Warlocks

2,400 points

On the nose. The key thing to note about this tournament as far as comp goes, is that Sea Dragon Cloaks are specifically not allowed on mounted Dark Elf characters. Booo. Not a problem for the BSB, who simply grabs a magic shield and swaps his mount for a Cold One to keep the 1+, but even with the Dragonhelm the Dreadlord drops down to a 2+. I don't think this is too much of a concern as he's still extremely resilient at range, but it just means I have to be more careful about his positioning and exercise greater caution in choosing his battles well (compare my battle 2 with battle 3, for instance).

So the Dreadlord stays in. I just had too much fun with him. The big change from my previous list is that I've also managed to work in that second unit of Warlocks that I was after, and dropped the Level 4 down to be on foot with only light protection. Of course, to afford this, she's had to lose her 4th level. Whilst that means less chance of getting the good spells, and although I'm still a little concerned about her vulnerability in just the Darkshards, who've gained a champion and kept their Shields for bodyguard duty even though it puts me over minimum core, at least she's not nearly as pricey and (hopefully) less of a threat to wandering wizard hunters. To afford this, I've also had to drop a Knight. Again, not ideal, as it means they only have to lose one model now before my Master loses his LoS, but should I really be concerned about that given his 1+/4++?

I could claw some points back by dropping the Banner of Swiftness and Opal Amulet from the Sorceress, but other than the 7th Knight I don't really see what those points would add. Thoughts?
Posts: 625
Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:57 pm

Re: Clockwork's Lists

Post by Clockwork »

Okay, so here's my first run at an SCGT2015 list:

Unnamed2400 Pts - Dark Elves Army

1 Supreme Sorceress @ 295.0 Pts
General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Shadow
Dispel Scroll [25.0]
Talisman of Preservation [45.0]
Ironcurse Icon [5.0]

1 Master @ 188.0 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Shield
Cloak of Twilight [50.0]

1 Dark Pegasus @ [50.0] Pts

1 Master @ 169.0 Pts
Lance; Light Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Shield
Dawn Stone [25.0]
Dragonhelm [10.0]

1 Dark Pegasus @ [50.0] Pts

1 Master @ 153.0 Pts
Halberd; Sea Dragon Cloak; Battle Standard
Armour of Destiny [50.0]

5 Dark Riders @ 110.0 Pts
Spear; Rptr Crossbow; Light Armour; Shield; Musician

5 Dark Steed @ [0.0] Pts

5 Dark Riders @ 110.0 Pts
Spear; Rptr Crossbow; Light Armour; Shield; Musician

5 Dark Steed @ [0.0] Pts

9 Black Ark Corsairs @ 144.0 Pts
Rptr Handbow (Swap); Light Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Standard; Musician

1 Reaver @ [14.0] Pts
Rptr Handbow Pair

17 Witch Elves @ 238.0 Pts
Frenzy; 2ndWeapon; Standard; Musician
Banner of the Eternal Flame [10.0]

1 Hag @ [10.0] Pts

22 Har Ganeth Executioners @ 306.0 Pts
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Standard; Musician

1 Draich-master @ [10.0] Pts

6 Cold One Knights @ 200.0 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician

6 Cold One @ [0.0] Pts

5 Shades @ 80.0 Pts
Rptr Crossbow

1 Reaper Bolt Thrower @ 70.0 Pts

2 Crew @ [0.0] Pts
Light Armour

1 Reaper Bolt Thrower @ 70.0 Pts

2 Crew @ [0.0] Pts
Light Armour

7 Doomfire Warlocks @ 175.0 Pts
#3: Soulblight [0.0]
#DrkS2 - Doombolt [0.0]

7 Dark Steed @ [0.0] Pts

1 Bloodwrack Medusa @ 90.0 Pts

Models in Army: 90

Total Army Cost: 2398.0

Cloak of Twilight -1
Master on Pegasus after the first -1
Doomfire Warlocks -1
Bloodwrack Medusa +1
Total 3

C&C welcome!
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