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Im going to start posting my little works here, im a slow painter so updates will come in very irregular but i appreciate the watchers & people who comment =).
Ive already posted my Raging Heroes' Witch Elves here in the past. Im going for a darkish theme wich is fitting for Dark Elves. I use a black undercoat with lots of metal and as a main color ive chosen red.
Recently ive completed my Cold One Knights.
And ive also completed some scenery!
Last edited by Darkgul on Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Everything looks great, thanks for sharing. My only advice is as Dyvim pointed out. The CO's need a little more depth which a highlight of a few shades will take care of. Keep up the great work.
Cheers! The cold ones have quite a few layers, i even followed the old guide on GW's site for em. Granted they do look flat though. Maybe ill redo them some day.
Cheers! I'll try the highlight tonight, thanks for the tip. And about the flag, im not very confident about my freehand painting, one of the days ill find me a good guide and fix them up. Until then the solid red are placeholders on all my banners.
Darkgul wrote:And about the flag, im not very confident about my freehand painting, one of the days ill find me a good guide and fix them up. Until then the solid red are placeholders on all my banners.
You can buy the materials to make decals in an inkjet printer. Then just download the Druchii language font (check this thread and use it to make some big runes in any color to stick on your banners.
The cold ones looking flat may just be as simple a thing as being drowned out by your background (Desk). Maybe making a photo box or simply draping a white sheet over it for your next batch of photo's will help. Your camera is pretty crisp, so I'm certain that you'll have some pretty amazing results with a uniform background and complimentary lighting.
Thanks to this forum i knew in advance about the ranking difficulties. Just a heads up to other people who are gonna glue them. Rank them slightly angled... Try to make a 2x2 block and glue the whole unit in that position.
Great models, the red really suits them and they're very well painted. And the Vestals are amazing, I just love those figures. Thanks for providing them link to them.
I like those cold one knights. The color scheme fairly similar to what Im doing with my army, and I got a feeling my riders are going to look quite like yours
Ive also been experimenting a bit with the taking of the pictures itself. So they may appear a bit rough. I'll get the hang of it sooner or later.
I'm introducing my 2nd peg hero/lord/sorceress. The riders are magnitized so i can switch to whatever i feel like fielding!
And here's a picture of both my pegasi... Theyre kind of similiar i know, i hope the pose and the little details will make them stand apart from eachother.
And as always, i appreciate the comments and tips to improve, thanks .
Thanks for the kind words! Next up i have some spear and xbowmen to bolster my core a bit. When im done with those im thinking about painting up my first dragon...
Done with the core troops! Theyre supposed to be speed painted but somehow i managed to last these figs for a while month . Anyways my gf gave me the dragon as a present, isnt she the best , and im going to look into that now.
Finally a mount worth for the Storm King, now he can finally put aside that pidgeon winged pony and inspire TERROR into the hearts of his enemies!
*Ahem* That is until my friendswill start focusing him with their cannons and boltthrowers .
So my dragon, named flufwise Abramaxx, is done. I still have to paint up some more riders though. Also, im not quite happy with the wings. Im gonna think about them and listen to advice before i decide to redo them.
What's not to like about the wings? I think the dragon is excellent. It's the best of your work that I've seen on this thread and the witch elf thread.
That's silly! Playin with little statues, pretendin' they're fightin'! Why not just round up a bunch of real goblins and lettem' whack it out?
Overall, I don't see a problem with the wings, but if you're going to fiddle with them I think that the only weakness lies in where the wing meets the body. I just feel that the two skin coulours would start to blend just prior to the place they meet.....
From what I can tell from the picture, I really really like the wings! They look papery and make Abramaxx look really ancient. They go really well with the dark tones and size of the roots on his (her?) spikes. If anything I would consider extending the dark roots on the teeth and making them look a little gnarlier to match his overall feel. It might be the lighting, but in the picture the gold is almost too bright, and a little distracting, you could consider washing it again to tone it down a touch (I really like desaturated colors like on the rest of the piece).