[PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by General Kael »

defiantly cool. What a creative idea, I like it a lot.
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Amboadine »

Got to say, that is pretty damn cool.
Doesn't look over the top.
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Rowena »

That RBT looks really great. Very creative and full of character. Definitely cool, I can't wait to see it painted. :)
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by xFallenx »

I have to chime in here and agree with the 3 above me, looks damn fine mate!
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Wiggen »

Agree with the above comments, bolt thrower looks really cool :D
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Setomidor »

looks gorgeous, but I would mount it and both crew members on a large round base to make a nice scene around the model. :)
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Scythe »

I agree with you, Setomidor - a large round base would be ideal. I was just using spare stuff I had lying around, as I am wont to do. I don't know if I'll get around to painting it for a while, so that might give me a chance to revisit the basing situation once I get my hands on one.
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Scythe »

Cold One Chariot has been completed!

Life's been pretty busy of late - just started a new job - so this has been a while coming, but happy to have it done!




Close up of cold ones:


And something else coming down the pipe...


Though I think next up on the painting list will be my scythe-wielding dreadlord, corsairs, witches, and bolt throwers. So... almost everything. Ha!
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Amboadine »

That is a lovely looking chariot. Excellent work.
I really like the Cold Ones colouring.
Looking forward to seeing what is up next.
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by anthalont »

Awesome chariot!

What'd you use on the base? And if you don't mind, could you give me a run down on colors? (armor, chariot body etc, oh and most especially cold ones!)
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Scythe »

HI anthalont,

Thanks! Sure, here's what I did (all paints citadel; primed with black spray):

Small pieces of cork, then sprinkled with sand. Drybrushed with mechanicus standard grey, then skull white. Snow is a mixture of white glue, water, and white scar paint, then citadel snow flock on top.

Blue - Macragge blue > Caledor sky > Teclis blue > edged with 50/50 teclis blue/white scar. Paints were watered down significantly to achieve the gradient effect from the middle outwards.
Metallic Purple - Naggaroth night (undercoat) > 50/50 mix of Naggaroth night/Runefang steel > Druchii violet (shade) > edged with runefang steel.
Steel - Mechanicus standard grey (undercoat) > Leadbelcher > Nuln oil (shade) > edged with runefang steel.

Purple - drybrush up from black > naggaroth night > genestealer purple > slaanesh grey; shade with druchii violet. Lighter scales are straight genestealer purple.
Black - abaddon black > mechanicus standard grey > 50/50 mechanicus standard grey/white scare
Stripes - thick stripe of mechanicus standard grey > thin stripe of white scar > washed with drakenhof nightshade (blue)
Horns - mechanicus standard grey > white scar

All colours on the crew are the same.

I think that's all!
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by xFallenx »

That is one saucy looking chariot, I love the blending on the body.
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Scythe »

Thanks xFallenx! I'm always so skeptical how blending like that is going to come out while I'm doing it, as the paint looks so different when it's dry compared to when it's wet and being applied. It kind of requires a bit of faith or hope. But it seems to turn out ok!
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Plantagenet »

Love the chariot. Came out really well
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Ming »

Definitely cool!
Idea stolen.
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by direweasel »

Huge fan of the bolt throwers. And to use leftovers from the chariots is a nice bonus, means it's was essentially a two-for deal. Buy a chariot, get a chariot AND a bolt thrower. The way figs cost these days, you can't beat that!
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Scythe »

Well, motivation has been LOW for the last month or so. Just thinking about batch painting all those core models... yuck. So I decided to give myself a treat and paint a fun character model.

Therefore, I painted up my Fleetmaster Dreadlord conversion!




As always, comments and critiques are encouraged and welcomed!
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Amboadine »

Nice to see him finally painted. That SDC looks beautifully done.
Good work.
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by taggart »

I like how you have painted up the horses from the dark riders / warlocks . Care to share how you got that look ? I've really been struggling to get mine looking any good at all , painted and stripped them three times so far
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Scythe »

Hi Taggart,

Sure! I believe what I did can be roughly summed up in the below steps:
- prime black
- basecoat black
- drybrush from dark gray up to white
- touch up highlights with gray/white
- wash the whole damn thing in purple ink (I used the citadel purple shade - I think it's called either druchii violet or naggarothi night or something to that effect).
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Phierlihy »

It's a nice paintjob but really...no corsair is going to take a scythe into combat. It kind of ruins the model for me =(
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Scythe »

I can appreciate the hesitation, Phierlihy. It's an unusual weapon for a corsair. And thanks for the kind words re: the paint job!

It's a fluff-induced model, to be sure. I liked parts of the Fleetmaster model (basically all but the head/hair and sword leg), so I wanted to use it to build a fluffy dreadlord around. The model represents my army's dreadlord, Ecator Scythe - or the Scythe of the Dawn as he is known by his preceding reputation. I'm still working out the details but the basic premise is that he so favoured attacking at dawn, just as the enemy forces begin to see hope that they would live through the night, that rumours began to spread of this tactic. As he gained notoriety and the word began to spread of a dread host of druchii slavers, who "cut through the dawn's hope, as a scythe reaps its harvest," he took to wielding in combat a large scythe he had commissioned to be forged and imbued with dark magic (likely to be "ogre blade" in game).
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by jainanz »

Scythe wrote:I can appreciate the hesitation, Phierlihy. It's an unusual weapon for a corsair. And thanks for the kind words re: the paint job!

It's a fluff-induced model, to be sure. I liked parts of the Fleetmaster model (basically all but the head/hair and sword leg), so I wanted to use it to build a fluffy dreadlord around. The model represents my army's dreadlord, Ecator Scythe - or the Scythe of the Dawn as he is known by his preceding reputation. I'm still working out the details but the basic premise is that he so favoured attacking at dawn, just as the enemy forces begin to see hope that they would live through the night, that rumours began to spread of this tactic. As he gained notoriety and the word began to spread of a dread host of druchii slavers, who "cut through the dawn's hope, as a scythe reaps its harvest," he took to wielding in combat a large scythe he had commissioned to be forged and imbued with dark magic (likely to be "ogre blade" in game).

That's a really cool fluff premise, and the model fits it really well
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by taggart »

Scythe wrote:Hi Taggart,

Sure! I believe what I did can be roughly summed up in the below steps:
- prime black
- basecoat black
- drybrush from dark gray up to white
- touch up highlights with gray/white
- wash the whole damn thing in purple ink (I used the citadel purple shade - I think it's called either druchii violet or naggarothi night or something to that effect).

Thanks for that , i'll give it a go at the weekend . Might try and adapt the process for some brown ones as well . My trouble is after coming back to the hobby after a long break i'm trying to get things perfect . If i'm not happy with it then it gets stripped off and i have another go . The only thing i've painted up so far that i'm really happy with is a batch of 10 Cold Ones , no knights to go on them as yet though :(
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Re: [PLOG] - Reapers of the Dawn

Post by Scythe »

Just some shades.

They were a bit rushed, and I'll admit to being a bit sloppy with these guys, but with the amount of stuff to do I'm not going to be too picky. I tried something a bit different on the bases by throwing some crystals on made of chopped up sprue pieces. I figured these guys know their way around mountain caves and what not, so there might be some lying around. I realized after I started painting them that I had no idea how to paint crystals though! I think I could do a better job next time after doing some research.


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