Group 42 OOC

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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Marchosias »

As I see it, infighting between druchii is never ceasing but is almost exclusively limited to political scheming, competing for favours, privileges or important positions in the military or civil administration. There would be strict rules under which you can challenge someone to a duel, enforced by the Black Guard. For a larger-scale assault you would need to seek permission from a drachau, a black guard commander or someone like that; basically you would need to convince them your rival committed some kind of crime and then you could be granted the permission to both punish him and compensate yourself. These kind of rules can be bent and enforcers fooled, intimidated or bribed, of course, this is part of the fun. :) At any rate, an unauthorized war campaign or assassination attempt is a direct invitation of several squadrons of black guard to visit your estate.

This way, only the strongest survive but the "strongest" would mean a skill in scheming, deception, military prowess and tirelessness combined, not just the ability to hire a good assassin. And the weaker ones remain to be used. They can still be decent at lower ranks.
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Searinox Nagharha »

PLOG - The House of Corvus

Group 41- Name: Searinox Nagharha - Shade
WS:5 S:3 T:3 D:4 I:4
Equipment: Long sword; Falchion (family heirloom), Very Good Sabre, Short sword, Dagger, Throwing Dagger (4) SeaDragon Cloak, Chain
Inventory: 30 gold (214 still to be paid), Silver Bracelet, several flagons: 1x Strength potion, 3x Courage potion, 3x Healing Potion.
Skills: Two Weapon Fighting, Acrobatics, Basic Stealth
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Calisson »

I started working last Monday on a new project.
Don't expect me to keep a steady pace as I used to.
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Marchosias »

Do not worry, it is actually almost scary if you all reply within 24 hours of my modpost. We can afford to go a tad slower, I think. :)
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Marchosias »

Is your silence caused by lack of time only or do you feel you need some more input? I could write another modpost and give you something more to do than just react to the one find.
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Thraundil »

Honestly since Caraoc is the one who finds the book I was kinda waiting for him to say something :P
Name: Ladry (female)
Class: Mage (Pyromancer)
Equipment: Staff, longsword, dagger, 20 gold, insignia ring.
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Searinox Nagharha »

Was thinking the same :P
PLOG - The House of Corvus

Group 41- Name: Searinox Nagharha - Shade
WS:5 S:3 T:3 D:4 I:4
Equipment: Long sword; Falchion (family heirloom), Very Good Sabre, Short sword, Dagger, Throwing Dagger (4) SeaDragon Cloak, Chain
Inventory: 30 gold (214 still to be paid), Silver Bracelet, several flagons: 1x Strength potion, 3x Courage potion, 3x Healing Potion.
Skills: Two Weapon Fighting, Acrobatics, Basic Stealth
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Calisson »

:oops: Oops
Busy professional life at the moment;
I'll try to write something, basically Caraoc will take the book.


Done! :D
I could not decently let an important discovery like that without adding a dramatic touch!
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Marchosias »

No need to apologize. :)

You managed to write a nice post. Divination is always fun - I have already written a whole page and more is to come! :D
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Calisson »

Wow! What an epic modpost! :D Love!
Need to read it once more and will try to post.
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Searinox Nagharha »

wow, a very nice post indeed. I wonder what Caroac is gonna do with this 'knowledge' :lol:
just a quick note for myself... a tincture is like an anti-biotic right? :P
PLOG - The House of Corvus

Group 41- Name: Searinox Nagharha - Shade
WS:5 S:3 T:3 D:4 I:4
Equipment: Long sword; Falchion (family heirloom), Very Good Sabre, Short sword, Dagger, Throwing Dagger (4) SeaDragon Cloak, Chain
Inventory: 30 gold (214 still to be paid), Silver Bracelet, several flagons: 1x Strength potion, 3x Courage potion, 3x Healing Potion.
Skills: Two Weapon Fighting, Acrobatics, Basic Stealth
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Searinox Nagharha »

My apolagies in advance but for the next week i wont be able to make a post as im going on a small vacation.
Im sorry for any delay in the story this may cause :(
I'll think of all of you one time while im enjoying a beer while on a sunny terras :)
PLOG - The House of Corvus

Group 41- Name: Searinox Nagharha - Shade
WS:5 S:3 T:3 D:4 I:4
Equipment: Long sword; Falchion (family heirloom), Very Good Sabre, Short sword, Dagger, Throwing Dagger (4) SeaDragon Cloak, Chain
Inventory: 30 gold (214 still to be paid), Silver Bracelet, several flagons: 1x Strength potion, 3x Courage potion, 3x Healing Potion.
Skills: Two Weapon Fighting, Acrobatics, Basic Stealth
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Marchosias »

Sorry for my silence and thanks a lot for compliments!

I had no idea Caraoc is such a schemer - I am curious what is he going to do with the book. :)

And Searinox, do not worry, at least we will have more time for real life. :D
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Calisson »

Well, initially I thought that the six visions would be about the six Elves in vicinity.
Then I realized that some absent ones were visioned, too. Which meant that some present ones were missing.

I checked out who was in the visions.
Present main figures in the vision: Caraoc, Searinox, Ladry
Absent main figures in the vision: Analya, Kireth, Paithan
Missing present main figures: Incaneth
Missing present secondary figures: Iscar, "one other corsair"
Missing absent main figures: Polibastious Kirvaleth, Darven Kruz, Dolan.

Incaneth was striking, as the only major character in the room who did not inspire anything.
Well, that discovery was too good an opportunity to let slip away! :twisted:
Up to you Mod to adjust as you wish.


Will post later. On first thought, Caraoc would feel that the human swiftness is unnatural and would look for a possible source: either a potion (cannot help it) or a mage (could try something).
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Marchosias »

I am stupid! In the vision, I have confused Paithan and Dolan. Dolan should be there, he is the local drunk. *facepalm* I am going to edit, luckily it changes nothing.

Your analysis is quite interesting, though. Completely unintentional but maybe I could use it in some way. Though I would not like to reinforce too much the feeling that "one other corsair" is a secondary figure just because I am not able to give same flavour to each member of the crew. It might be that I come up with some interesting background for him and suddenly he will become the main antagonist or wise mentor or anything, actually. :D

For something unrelated, reinforcements might be coming as MangoPunch created a character. We will have to work a bit on how to weave him into the story, though, so it might take some time. :)
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Searinox Nagharha »

Well maybe he got stuck their by an earlier raid. maybe as a captive or test subject. who knows ;P
PLOG - The House of Corvus

Group 41- Name: Searinox Nagharha - Shade
WS:5 S:3 T:3 D:4 I:4
Equipment: Long sword; Falchion (family heirloom), Very Good Sabre, Short sword, Dagger, Throwing Dagger (4) SeaDragon Cloak, Chain
Inventory: 30 gold (214 still to be paid), Silver Bracelet, several flagons: 1x Strength potion, 3x Courage potion, 3x Healing Potion.
Skills: Two Weapon Fighting, Acrobatics, Basic Stealth
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Calisson »

Marchosias wrote:Completely unintentional but maybe I could use it in some way.
I suspected so somehow, but that's the charm of being several to write a story!


Marchosias wrote:"one other corsair" ... might be that ... suddenly he will become ... anything, actually.
Marchosias wrote:MangoPunch created a character. We will have to work a bit on how to weave him into the story
:idea: :?:
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Marchosias »

This is a possibility we might end with but I do not like it much. If the new character has been on the ship all along you should have already formed some opinion on him; likewise, he should have had the chance to influence the events. Introducing him in some other way would be much more elegant. But we will see. :)
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by MangoPunch »

Hi All! Very excited to join in the fun! wary of Harkyl Anroc, it is said that death and deceit stalk him. I PMed Marchosios with an idea of how to join in. Here are my character details so you can get acquainted:

Name: Harkyl Anroc
Sex: Male
Age: 137
Height: 6’ 4” / 5’ 6” (explained below)
Weight: 170 lbs
Appearance: Tall and gaunt, but with a pronounced hunch and limp that makes him appear of much smaller stature. His face is devilishly hansom with green/brown eyes, dark hair and a straight white smile. He wears plain clothes and walks with the aid of his staff.
Class: Shade
Statistics: WS: 4 / S: 2 / T: 2 / D: 5 / I: 5
Starting Equipment: Staff, Throwing Knives [gave up 3 EP for a second SP]
Starting Skills: Awareness, Basic Stealth

Fists fly and glass shatters inside the ramshackle wayward pub of Horse’s Head, or Donkey’s Arse, or some such animal part namesake forsaken tavern. Shouts curse epitaphs on forgotten gods, and daggers find soft palid flesh in a bar brawl like many others inside this particular pub somewhere along the road between here and there.

After a time, a back door creeks ajar, and a hunched figure shuffles out. His paces labored and stiff, as one leg drags lightly through the dirt. He smiles a wickedly hansom smile, his pockets heavier with the weight of silver than they were an hour ago when he arrived at the watering hole. And he shuffles off along the dark road, leaving death behind him; as he always has.

His equipment is meager, a medium staff upon which he leans, plain non-descript clothes and throwing knives tucked away, hidden in his shirt. But he is armed with more than simple tools. He has a keen mind, not smart like a scholar but clever, quick and flexible, matching his scruples. And he is handsome in the face with dark hair and green or brown eyes depending on the light. His smile as white as fresh snow and as straight as an arrow in mockery of his crooked spine and hunched pose. His limp is real – but is driven by a deep and constant pain of the joints, not by true physical limitation. In actuality he is quite lithe on his feet when he needs to be, and often emerges from the midst of melees and brawls unscathed, and if he is lucky a few nicked silver richer.

Harkyl Anroc (Harkyl the Sunken) is the youngest of eight sons and a daughter, born to a somewhat poor but old noble family on the Serpant Path between Hag Hall and Harkyl Gate. A criple since birth, his throat should have been slit in the crib - a mercy he was not afforded. His childhood was one of beatings and degredation, until he left home and struck off into the life of a wanderer. He exists from day to day off of the spoils from petty thefts and scams, he is a con, a gambler but most of all a cheat. He disdains nobles, and the brashness of most Druchii, believeing that hard helmets cover soft heads, and shiney ornaments are an invitation for a knife through the neck. He is proud in his own way, but his pride is in having lived beyond all the odds, and in the few ill-earned coins he scrapes together.

Two moons ago he heard rummors that his necromancer uncle (a fact that few are apprised of) usurped his fathers' house, killed his brothers and married his sister (all of whom he deeply loathed). It was a strange feeling when he realized that with his brothers dead he was the true heir to Hadron Hall and his fathers' seat. He doesn't covet that estate or title, but in him the news did awaken some strange sort of ambition. Not for nobility, or glory, but for something more, some greater con and scam. For the first time in his life he is not content to scrape by on loaded dice and cut purses, he wants to pull one over on the world, he wants more loot, all of it ill-gotten.

Still finding his way, Harkyl is no longer content with just scraping by at the fringes of society. He wants more, and he wants it at the expense of others. He wants to pull a con on the world, and laugh as those who were high fall and he is the insturment of their demise. He wants the abilities to manipulate others, and the world around him - forgery, maybe thievery or poison, and blind fighting fit his MO. He is a tricky and slippery one who's ambitions are sure to grow as he tastes success. He might also feel drawn to the most basic level of Shyish, his uncle is afterall a necromancer - while he is not a mage, draining the strength from others would be appealing to him.
Last edited by MangoPunch on Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Group 42 - Harkyl Anroc - Shade
WS: 5 / S: 2 / T: 2 / D: 5 / I: 5
Equipment: Staff, Throwing Knives
Inventory: Mysterious Map
Skills: Awareness, Basic Stealth, Defensive Fighting
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Searinox Nagharha »

Sounds like a very interresring character. And there is enough Nobility in the grouo for you to hate :D
PLOG - The House of Corvus

Group 41- Name: Searinox Nagharha - Shade
WS:5 S:3 T:3 D:4 I:4
Equipment: Long sword; Falchion (family heirloom), Very Good Sabre, Short sword, Dagger, Throwing Dagger (4) SeaDragon Cloak, Chain
Inventory: 30 gold (214 still to be paid), Silver Bracelet, several flagons: 1x Strength potion, 3x Courage potion, 3x Healing Potion.
Skills: Two Weapon Fighting, Acrobatics, Basic Stealth
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Calisson »

OK. As we give the traditional welcome to MangoPunch, we could also take the opportunity to clarify the satus of Gr41 & Gr42.
Last time Cananatra modposted on Gr41 was on Jan 30. I guess we can now consider Gr41 dead, no longer in dormition.
Gr42 is now 1 month & 1 day old, it is high time it reached full status.
Marchosias, could you please add one post to Groups?

Here is the list of characters:
- Caraoc the merry scald pilot (Heavens mage, by Calisson)
- Searinox the daredevil (shade, by Searinox)
- Ladry the pyro(wo)man (Fire mage, by Thraundil)
- Harkyl the Sunken, the limped hunched handsome thief (shade, by MangoPunch)

No longer playing:
- Dolan the massive warrior with a thick sense of humour (warrior, by Jcitalia, last post Mar 03)
- Paithan the dark Khainite with a black sense of humour (Khainite, by Paithan, last post Feb 02)
- Analya the impulsive (shade, by Marchosias, the Mod).
It looks like Analya is bound to join NPCs, and Dolan & Paithan should either be removed or become NPCs.

Captain: Kireth Snakeskin
First Officer: Incareth Aez
Merc1: Polibastious Kirvaleth
Merc2: Darven Kruz


Marchosias wrote:If the new character has been on the ship all along you should have already formed some opinion on him; likewise, he should have had the chance to influence the events.
Well, look at Iscar, he was part of the crew and we knew nothing about him.
The advantage of Harkyl being part of the expedition as a crewmember is that MangoPunch could post immediately, and we would need no formal introduction. That's why I offered that solution.
But that's a Mod's decision, I'm not someone to GodMod the Mod himself! :roll:


Post written. Adding somehow to the dramatic atmosphere. Let's have fun! :twisted:
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Calisson »

Are we waiting for MangoPunch to post as part of the present expedition, or will there be a later Modpost allowing him to be introduced?
In case we are not waiting for MangoPunch, then we are set for a Modpost. :P
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by MangoPunch »

Calisson wrote:Are we waiting for MangoPunch to post as part of the present expedition, or will there be a later Modpost allowing him to be introduced?
In case we are not waiting for MangoPunch, then we are set for a Modpost. :P

Marchosias and I settled on a back-story yesterday. I had to work late so didn't have a chance to put together a post. I will do so tonight. Sorry about keeping you all waiting - bad start.

Group 42 - Harkyl Anroc - Shade
WS: 5 / S: 2 / T: 2 / D: 5 / I: 5
Equipment: Staff, Throwing Knives
Inventory: Mysterious Map
Skills: Awareness, Basic Stealth, Defensive Fighting
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Marchosias »

We are waiting for the mod to start modding, most of all. :)

MangoPunch, thank you for answering in my stead. Do not feel bad about stalling the group: you have had basically only one day to post which is really not much. We are not going to proceed at an enormous speed anyway as it is not healthy in the long run. :)

Once your introductory post is up I will write a modpost where you will get some chance to affect the raiding. Now you should most of all say how near to the fighting do you want to go.

I do not assume the fight to go on for too long. I am quite curious what are you going to do next.


EDIT: I have proclaimed our existence in the Groups thread, removed Harkyl's background from the Character Creation forum and updated the first post of G42 with some info about the various characters. I would like to use this first post as a point of reference, please check from time to time if something important is missing.
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Re: Group 42 OOC

Post by Calisson »

Hey, good start actually, it was worth waiting for your post!
Now we can welcome MangoPunch cheeringly: :D

Thx Mod. Nice and clean.

Wouldn't Harkyl's inventory include a map, by chance? ;)
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