OK. As we give the traditional welcome to MangoPunch, we could also take the opportunity to clarify the satus of Gr41 & Gr42.
Last time Cananatra modposted on Gr41 was on Jan 30. I guess we can now consider Gr41 dead, no longer in dormition.
Gr42 is now 1 month & 1 day old, it is high time it reached full status.
Marchosias, could you please add one post to
Here is the list of characters:
- Caraoc the merry scald pilot (Heavens mage, by Calisson)
- Searinox the daredevil (shade, by Searinox)
- Ladry the pyro(wo)man (Fire mage, by Thraundil)
- Harkyl the Sunken, the limped hunched handsome thief (shade, by MangoPunch)
No longer playing:
- Dolan the massive warrior with a thick sense of humour (warrior, by Jcitalia, last post Mar 03)
- Paithan the dark Khainite with a black sense of humour (Khainite, by Paithan, last post Feb 02)
- Analya the impulsive (shade, by Marchosias, the Mod).
It looks like Analya is bound to join NPCs, and Dolan & Paithan should either be removed or become NPCs.
Captain: Kireth Snakeskin
First Officer: Incareth Aez
Merc1: Polibastious Kirvaleth
Merc2: Darven Kruz
Marchosias wrote:If the new character has been on the ship all along you should have already formed some opinion on him; likewise, he should have had the chance to influence the events.
Well, look at Iscar, he was part of the crew and we knew nothing about him.
The advantage of Harkyl being part of the expedition as a crewmember is that MangoPunch could post immediately, and we would need no formal introduction. That's why I offered that solution.
But that's a Mod's decision, I'm not someone to GodMod the Mod himself!

Post written. Adding somehow to the dramatic atmosphere. Let's have fun!