So I've heavily reworked the theme of the army.
I wasn't so happy with the pink. While I can paint it well, it just looked off. Plus I was losing interest in the Cult of Slaanesh, as I really like the Corsairs and sturdier elites (Black Guard and Executioners).
So I decided to ditch the theme.
I've always wanted a blue and green army. Tested it on some corsairs, and I was sold. Purple remains kind of as a secondary color to break things up a bit. With my love of the Corsairs and how their cloaks looked, and after reading the Khaine book, I began to really like Mathlann. So I'm going with that theme. A raiding force that heavily honors Mathlann.
That ran into another problem. They blended in with the bases. I may reuse the theme if I ever do Slaanesh or Tzeentch stuff (I've always been a fan of Nurgle since 2006). So I had to change the bases to keep my color scheme. So I opted to do bases that look like wooden planks, which may help sell the theme of their being devoted to Mathlann god of the sea.

Yes, I do look like Loki. That is me in my avatar.