fast an hard hitting new list - any tips or changes?

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fast an hard hitting new list - any tips or changes?

Post by Shorabora »

DL - full mundane, CoT, Dawnstone on cold one
SS lvl 4 - death, dispel scroll,ToP, on dark steed

BSB - full mundane, armour of Destiny, lance on dark Pegasus
Master - full mundane, charmed shield, lance, mask of eeekk on dark Pegasus
Master - full mundane, lance on dark steed

3 x 5 dark riders - full kit an muso
25 witch elves - fc an flaming banner

9 CoKs - fc an gleaming banner
3 x RBTs

2x 5 warlocks.

Plan is to peg masters hunt machines, Ss drifts with other master between fast cav where needed, an witch elves an cold ones take out everything else in combined charges.
I have about 50 points left so what do u guys think I should add or change??
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Re: fast an hard hitting new list - any tips or changes?

Post by Bloodshakes »

I would drop the flaming banner on the witches and add another RBT :)
My favorite unit ATM: Cold One Knights
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Re: fast an hard hitting new list - any tips or changes?

Post by TheSupremePatriarch »

Bloodshakes wrote:I would drop the flaming banner on the witches and add another RBT :)


I usually don't take WE without the CoB because they get demolished before they get anywhere near your opponents. I'd think of maybe dropping them and sticking in some Darkshards and buffing up the COK bus. Maybe try to squeeze in a COC in support or something.
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