Hello everyone, first of all want to say that i have been reading throght the forum you have a great community. I am new to warhammer and i have some questions for my first list. My brother and I want to buy two armies that are well balanced, i will buy Dark elves and he wants Warriors of chaos. We are aiming to a 1-1.1K list. My intention is to buy the warhost box and change the fleetmaster for another character. I was thinking about a supreme sorceress on cold one or a dreadlord on cold one or darksteed. My priority is to have two balanced armies but i also want my units to be useful in the future for tournaments/games. The list would look something like this:
1 supreme sorceress on cold ono 250pts (or more)
20 corsairs full comand with adittional weapon 255
5 cold one kniths 150
1 Scourgerunner Chariot 150
10 darkshards with shields 130
10 dreadspears 90
Im not really sure if it is better to have 10 darkshards and dreadsears or one troop of 20 and when should i add musician, banners etc.
My brother will be playing a list with chaos warriors , skullbreakers, chariots and sorcerer, so will this list (with a lot of changes i suppose) be balnaced? or should i buy something different from warhost?
thanks in advance for the help!
New list here
Moderator: The Dread Knights
Re: New list here
Firstly, welcome to the hobby
I hope your bank account is ready for the pounding that it's inevitably going to take
Corsairs are an okay core choice, they're not the strongest in the book, being regarded by a lot of people as pointless when compared to witches which are a monstrously powerful unit and the same point cost. However having said that, I take corsairs in some of my lists and they always perform better than I expect them to. They're not weak by any stretch of the imagination and compare quite well to core choices from other army books, just not ours. Also the models are cool and they're the cheapest (money wise) if you want to buy more.
Dreadspears in units of anything less than 30 (25 at a push) are generally pretty awful. You'd be better served by making them into darkshards. Also if you're taking shields on your darkshards, one big unit of 20 tends to make a surprisingly efficient combat block (for archers) if it ever comes to it. They'll usually last a turn at least.
Although be careful not to spend too many points on core. As good as our core is, it is still not as good as our special or rare choices, so trying to stick to the 25% requirement is generally a good idea
In an army the size you're looking at (roughly 1000 points), a unit of 5 cold ones is a solid choice, I use them regularly at 1000 points and am always impressed by their performance. Nice models too. And they can be used at higher points in either multiple small units or one big unit and they still perform fairly well.
For a new player, I can't say the choice of a scourgerunner fills me with confidence. It's not the strongest unit in the book, costs a fairly large amount of points which it is liable to give away fairly easily being only toughness 4 with a 4+ (or is it 5+) armour save. My advice would be to use the chariot kit to construct a cold one chariot instead, much more durable than the scourgerunner, and likely to do more damage too. And it's cheaper (115 points). And if your modelling skills are up to it at any point in the future, you'll probably be able to use the bolt thrower bits that would go on the scourgerunner to create an impromptu bolt thrower
Supreme sorceress is always a solid choice, but be careful to protect her. She costs a lot of points and is very flimsy. Definitely needs a ward save, and it would be preferable to not have her in one of your main combat units, as your enemy can (and should) single her out and put an axe in her face. At this many points it might be worth taking a normal sorceress, upgrading her to level 2, and giving her the talisman of preservation.
If you want a list of some of the "must have" units from the book, then I would probably suggest investing in:
Dark riders (fast cavalry, one of our strongest assets, board control is important, worth doing some reading around on the forums about why and how to use these guys)
Warlocks (probably overpowered, amazing unit, again worth reading around the forums even if it is just to see how many people say "these guys are briliant")
Bolt Throwers (more pew pew is always good, and these guys do it fairly well)
Witches are very powerful but also very expensive in terms of money. Maybe worth the investment if you can afford it, or maybe you don't want to use them because they're too powerful. I often feel kinda bad for using them and try to avoid it if I can.
Warriors of chaos can be a difficult opponent, good luck

Corsairs are an okay core choice, they're not the strongest in the book, being regarded by a lot of people as pointless when compared to witches which are a monstrously powerful unit and the same point cost. However having said that, I take corsairs in some of my lists and they always perform better than I expect them to. They're not weak by any stretch of the imagination and compare quite well to core choices from other army books, just not ours. Also the models are cool and they're the cheapest (money wise) if you want to buy more.
Dreadspears in units of anything less than 30 (25 at a push) are generally pretty awful. You'd be better served by making them into darkshards. Also if you're taking shields on your darkshards, one big unit of 20 tends to make a surprisingly efficient combat block (for archers) if it ever comes to it. They'll usually last a turn at least.
Although be careful not to spend too many points on core. As good as our core is, it is still not as good as our special or rare choices, so trying to stick to the 25% requirement is generally a good idea

In an army the size you're looking at (roughly 1000 points), a unit of 5 cold ones is a solid choice, I use them regularly at 1000 points and am always impressed by their performance. Nice models too. And they can be used at higher points in either multiple small units or one big unit and they still perform fairly well.
For a new player, I can't say the choice of a scourgerunner fills me with confidence. It's not the strongest unit in the book, costs a fairly large amount of points which it is liable to give away fairly easily being only toughness 4 with a 4+ (or is it 5+) armour save. My advice would be to use the chariot kit to construct a cold one chariot instead, much more durable than the scourgerunner, and likely to do more damage too. And it's cheaper (115 points). And if your modelling skills are up to it at any point in the future, you'll probably be able to use the bolt thrower bits that would go on the scourgerunner to create an impromptu bolt thrower

Supreme sorceress is always a solid choice, but be careful to protect her. She costs a lot of points and is very flimsy. Definitely needs a ward save, and it would be preferable to not have her in one of your main combat units, as your enemy can (and should) single her out and put an axe in her face. At this many points it might be worth taking a normal sorceress, upgrading her to level 2, and giving her the talisman of preservation.
If you want a list of some of the "must have" units from the book, then I would probably suggest investing in:
Dark riders (fast cavalry, one of our strongest assets, board control is important, worth doing some reading around on the forums about why and how to use these guys)
Warlocks (probably overpowered, amazing unit, again worth reading around the forums even if it is just to see how many people say "these guys are briliant")
Bolt Throwers (more pew pew is always good, and these guys do it fairly well)
Witches are very powerful but also very expensive in terms of money. Maybe worth the investment if you can afford it, or maybe you don't want to use them because they're too powerful. I often feel kinda bad for using them and try to avoid it if I can.
Warriors of chaos can be a difficult opponent, good luck

"When it comes to besting the enemy, there's no such thing as 'overkill.'" - Good ol' Master Bronk
Also here's a PLOG: http://www.druchii.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=76272
Also here's a PLOG: http://www.druchii.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=76272
- Slave on the Altar
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:45 pm
Re: New list here
Thanks for the in depth reply. I like the idea for the sorceress, with the points i save i can buy another unit of cold ones, 5 warlocks , 5 dark riders or a bolt thrower. What do you think is the best option with my list?
Re: New list here
I would have to go with warlocks, their manouverability and casting ability is priceless. Not to mention that there's just something really cheesy about 4+ ward save fast cavalry. They make a useful backup caster too 

"When it comes to besting the enemy, there's no such thing as 'overkill.'" - Good ol' Master Bronk
Also here's a PLOG: http://www.druchii.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=76272
Also here's a PLOG: http://www.druchii.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=76272
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- Slave (off the Altar)
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2014 8:00 am
- Location: Slovakia and Czech Republic
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Re: New list here
Hello and welcome to d.net, Darksurface.
In my meta, there's only WoC. My advice would be to pay attention to what magic/shooting options your opponent uses. If he doesn't play some throwing axes/javelins marauders or magic that actually has some decent magic missiles/direct damage spells, be sure to play Supreme Sorceress Lvl 4 on Pegasus with 4++ (ward save, provided by, say, Talisman of Preservation - that's mostly against miscasts) with metal magic. Played that way, she's very mobile and can get behind the Chaos lines quicky. Then she just melts and melts those mountains of steel. And of course, always take signature spell (Searing Doom) and Gehenna's Golden Hounds (4th). Rest depends on your play style and army. I like to take Enchanted Blades of Aiban for one RBT, which then hits on 2+/3+ or for charging pegmaster with CoT (that's Master on Pegasus, Shield, Lance, Cloak of Twilight (Killing Blow, Multiple Wounds (d3), Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak), who then hits mostly on 2+.
Be sure to check this out: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=72758. Although it's a lot of reading, it's worth it.
Good luck with your battles.
In my meta, there's only WoC. My advice would be to pay attention to what magic/shooting options your opponent uses. If he doesn't play some throwing axes/javelins marauders or magic that actually has some decent magic missiles/direct damage spells, be sure to play Supreme Sorceress Lvl 4 on Pegasus with 4++ (ward save, provided by, say, Talisman of Preservation - that's mostly against miscasts) with metal magic. Played that way, she's very mobile and can get behind the Chaos lines quicky. Then she just melts and melts those mountains of steel. And of course, always take signature spell (Searing Doom) and Gehenna's Golden Hounds (4th). Rest depends on your play style and army. I like to take Enchanted Blades of Aiban for one RBT, which then hits on 2+/3+ or for charging pegmaster with CoT (that's Master on Pegasus, Shield, Lance, Cloak of Twilight (Killing Blow, Multiple Wounds (d3), Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak), who then hits mostly on 2+.
Be sure to check this out: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=72758. Although it's a lot of reading, it's worth it.
Good luck with your battles.