Morathi base size

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Morathi base size

Post by Deadsun »

Hi i have an old metal Morathi on a 40mm base which i am just about to start repainting and rebasing, but before I start I am curious if this is the rights size base for a dark pegasus these days. doesw anyone know what size base the finecast Morathi is supplied with?
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Re: Morathi base size

Post by Calisson »

Morathi's base is now 50x50, but that's irrelevant.
The BRB rule is that models are played on the base they are sold with, and for you, the 40x40 base is the legal one.

Tactically, it brings out a few differences.

Most obviously, a 40x40 base matches nicely in 20x20 infantry, while a 50x50 base fits in 25x50 cavalry.
40x40 used to be preferred for this sole reason. However, a 50x50 Morathi could help warlocks obtain an additional rank with the related casting advantage.

Secondly, you get 10mm additional range for your Ld tests (assuming Morathi is the general, which she will be usually) and for your spells.
The drawback is that enemies get the same additional range for their shooting, templates or spells.
Furthermore, you require more space when you land, and more enemies can fight Morathi in melee.

Overall, while it is hard to argue which base is the most tactically useful, it is easy to argue which one is the only legal one: the 40x40 base.
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Re: Morathi base size

Post by Deadsun »

Thanks for that Calisson

It may well be I switch to 50mm. If that is what is usually used then that is a good enough reason for me in itself (i dont want to get in trouble for using her on a smaller base). i must admit i never thought about the relative advantages to this and appreciate your discussion of these. in particular i do find it reassuring that i will also gain something from switching base size as it will allow mortathi to fit in better to my army as i use it at present.
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