Saint's DE vs Warriors of Chaos.

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Saint's DE vs Warriors of Chaos.

Post by Saintofm »

Intro Story:

Ronan scanned the battlefeild, a space valley with few trees and some hills and a marsh but otherwise of little concequace. At one point it looked like perminent settlements had lived here but this close to Troll Country, it was little wonder there was little here.

"Daughter!" Ronan called to a sorceress in a guardy fir gown that was bedder suited for a stroll down a street then the middle of nowhere. "You wanted to come and see what a true battle is like. The forces of Khorn march this way. Are you prepared?"

The girl smiled curly. She was young, barley old enough to develop a crush, but as a illegal sorceress, a being of potent power. "I was born for this, Father!"

Ronan let out a small peek of fatherly pride as she said this, but held back his full onslaught of joy. "Good. Do not dissapoint me, Furia."

The girl bowed and returend to her darkshards, all of which were exchanging coin and groaning at their poor luck.

"You know she knows what you are really thinking, do you not?" Said his still youthful looking banner bearer. His prized standard was held on his back, its poll strapped onto his dragon ogre cloak, leaving his hands free to sharpen his halberd.

"Am I that obvious?" Ronan asked. Immediately all his knights, and the sorceress ridding with him exclaimed a unanimous "yes". Sighing, the Dreadlord pulled his horned hood over his head; the sea dragon skull making both a comforting shade and an intimidating visage. "This never battlefield."

Well last night I couldn't get into a Pathfinder game but I did find a Warhammer Fantasy game.

2000 points:

My Army:


Dreadlord Ronan: Heavy Armor, Sea Dragon Cloak, Ogre Blade, Shield, Black Amulet
Mount: A Cold One.

Sorceress Furia: Level 2 Lore of Fire User with a Dispel Scroll and using the Spells: Burning Bolts and Swords of Rhuin.

Sorceress Violentilla: Level 2 Lore of Metal user with Black Dragon Egg and has the spells: Searing Doom and Final Transmutation (I was kicking myself for not keeping Glistening Robes)
She Rides a Cold One


Night Riders: 10 Dark Riders with Repeating Crossbows, Shields, and a full command.

Death Hail: 22 Dark Shards with Shields, Full Command, and Eternal Flame banner. They are in a "Gun Line" of 2 ranks with Furia with them.


Hous Karithain: 15 COld One Knights with a Fuill Comand and The Ranger's Standard.
They have all the mounted charecters and are in a 6x3 formation

Flanking Them are a COld One CHariot

and a Warhydra with a Flaming breath attack. No witty name for the chariot yet, but since this si my Turtle Hydra I call him: Mr. Turtle. Why that? Because anyone can be saved by Death Fang, Or Terror.

My Opponent who is a really nice kid, played a Khorn themed Warriors of CHaos army.

Guessamacation on magic items:

Chaso Lord on Juggernaught with Hellfire sword, I think a shield, and either a dragon bane pendnet or Dragon Helm. He rides a Juggernaught and rides with a unit of 3 Juggernaughts witha full comand and enscrolled weapons.

THe rest of his army are all core.

One is a unit of unmarked 15 (maybe seventeen, there were 3 ranks of 5) warriors of chaos with shields.

One unit of 22 in a 6 wide ranks, having halberds, sheilds, and Mark of Khorn. They have a battle standard bearer, don't think he had a magic banner, with a Mark of Khorn.

Both Warrior units have full command.

Lastly, 5 warhounds with Vanguard.

I go first:

I move my knights forward 7 inches with the Hydra and chariot not far behind. Dark Riders go forward but do not get any real hits in via shooting.

Crossbows are within range of a war hound s and kill them in one turn. About 4 of them can't see the war hounds due to a block of impassible terrain but the rest do. The

Why no mention of magic? Because I rolled really poorly, and I ended up speding all 5 dice on a boosted sering doom on the warriors. I was one point short of getting it.

His turn he moves forward but is well out of charge range.

My Next turn things go up and down.

The crossbows move left 1 inches (a wall was in the way and I didn't want to move it around) and moved them forward 4 inches. I had them far back enough to keep them out of trouble.

The Chariot, not so much. While the knights pass their stupidity test, the chariot not so much and it goes forward 6 inches and into difficult terrain (passes though).

The hydra fails it's charge on the Skull Crushers, but the knights make it. It had been a while since I last played a game, and even longer since I played chaos but I remembered getting thrashed pretty badly, making me regret leaving my executioners at home. So i was thoroughly surprised when I did very well.

I challenged and his champion took it. I inflicted 2 wounds via attacks and the Black Amulet, which if it ward saves in a challenge inflicts and auto wound on the challenger that ignores armor. I get three more wounds in on the musician with the knights, but was did not have the distance to adjust for my BSB to fight ( a growing trend for much of this game). Neither sorceress, Black Egg Breath Attack, nor COld ones can get me any other wounds and I end up loosing 3 knights (not bad actually considering I have a Lord of Khorn infront of me). In the end, he losses and I give chase. Even if I had the 3 inches to overrun him I end up flank charging his unmarked warriors that just left a blood forest.

His turn, he rallies the general and gets his halberders ready to charge their next turn but I overran into his last unit and still had those charge bouses with the lance.

Another champion dies from my dreadlord's might, and lances make it. My BSB's mini was a few centimeters off from the warriors so no fight, but lances do their job and I only loose 2 knights. I overrun and the Ranger's standard keeps me from having to take a dangerous terrain test in the blood forest.

Magic goes better. Spend three dice on Swords of Ruin on the Crossbows and another 2 on the Burning bolts on the halberders. Both spells go off, but I only kill a couple of warriors, barley denting their numbers (wash rinse and repeat with all shooting and magic the next few phases).

Even the chariot can't get a wound in in shooting, though not surprising as they get 4 shots max.

The hydra charges the warlord and takes 4 wounds and inflicts none. He gets one of them back but the next turn he is flanked by the halberds and killed by the Lord of Chaos, giving him +1 toughness, and the halberds overrunning into the dark riders.

My next turn I prep my knights to charge the enemy general, but the Dark Riders were doom. Even with the chariot flanking the warriors and the dark riders getting Swords of Rhuin, the dice were against me. I rolled poorly, and the chariot flees with 2 wounds inflicted on it and only killing one in return (that and only getting 3 impact hits) and the dark riders flee with only 3 guys left and a enemy BSB with a 6+ ward save (we were both laughing he didn't ascend he was that close).

Shooting and magic that next turn, I only kill one with no shooting hits killing anything (Augment spell or no augment...they still had chaos armor and shields) with burning bolts only killing 1.

Knights charge the Chaos lord, who accepts a challenge. And now we see why the Black Amulet is 60 points: Ronan doesn't get any wounds in himself, but gets 4 wounds warded this killing the Chaos Lord. Luckily the wound he takes only causes one wound.

We called it quits as he figured I would rundown he remaining troops.

What I learned:

1 Should have gone with the Kharibdyss. The K beast was made for these kind of armies.

2. The Warriors of Chaos are not as scary when you get the charge and they have no range attacks via magic or Hell Cannon.
Who needs sanity? I have a Hydra
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Re: Saint's DE vs Warriors of Chaos.

Post by Thraundil »

You are pretty lucky (or he was stupid) to let your knights get a charge off. Cold one Knights are amongst the best damned figthers in the game on the charge :)

Nicely fought. Surprised to see you do well with double lvl 2 rather than a lvl 4, I would have missed the casting bonus I think.

A small note:

The crossbows move left 1 inches (a wall was in the way and I didn't want to move it around) and moved them forward 4 inches. I had them far back enough to keep them out of trouble.

You cant split up a sideways + forward move like this. If you want to strafe or backtrack, you can go up to half your movement value either sideways OR backwards. And then thats your whole move. No marching, no further moving. If you move left 1 inch you're done :)
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Re: Saint's DE vs Warriors of Chaos.

Post by Red... »

Chaso Lord on Juggernaught with Hellfire sword, I think a shield, and either a dragon bane pendnet or Dragon Helm. He rides a Juggernaught and rides with a unit of 3 Juggernaughts witha full comand and enscrolled weapons.

THe rest of his army are all core.

One is a unit of unmarked 15 (maybe seventeen, there were 3 ranks of 5) warriors of chaos with shields.

One unit of 22 in a 6 wide ranks, having halberds, sheilds, and Mark of Khorn. They have a battle standard bearer, don't think he had a magic banner, with a Mark of Khorn.

Both Warrior units have full command.

Lastly, 5 warhounds with Vanguard.

Wait - he had just 4 units and a lord at 2k? I'm not sure how he thought he would have a chance against any opponent with just two slow blocks of infantry, a single small heavy cavalry unit, and a pretty poor vanguard unit of cavalry at that points cost. Tres Bizarre!

Congrats on the win :)
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