P&M Token/counters competition

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P&M Token/counters competition

Post by Daeron »

I was looking around for some new gaming tokens when I thought...Hmmm.. Why not turn it into a P&M challenge?
The goal is to make a set of tokens, however you want them. It seems simple and light-hearted so it can easily be combined with the 6-month painting challenge, or follow suit as a fun breather in between painting jobs :)

Perhaps the rules could state a set of counters? I was thinking of these:
- 3 Charge counters, to denote which units declared a charge
- 3 Flee counters, to denote which units are fleeing
- 2 Rally counters, handy to keep in mind during movement which units just rallied
- 6 Wound tokens, bonus points if you make more but specific for characters/monsters/chariots.
Something along those lines anyhow!
I love me a bowl of numbers to crunch for breakfast. If you need anything theoryhammered, I gladly take requests.

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Re: P&M Token/counters competition

Post by Lord Drakon »

I was thinking the same for a long time already !
I'm in !

I am even making some tokens for my first tournament for my opponents in case I win (sacrificed enemy) or lose (enslaved dark elf)
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Re: P&M Token/counters competition

Post by CitizenKhaine »

Great idea, sounds like fun. What about tokens for fear, terror, stubborn, poison, immune to psychology etc
I made fear tokens using some spiders (not the big goblin one) but couldn't think of a way to represent the others.
So what would anyone else suggest for those?
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Re: P&M Token/counters competition

Post by Marchosias »

[quote="CitizenKhaine"]Great idea, sounds like fun. What about tokens for fear, terror, stubborn, poison, immune to psychology etc
That would mean a nasty amount of things lying on the table, getting in the way. However, I guy I met some time ago was putting a card next to each of his units. All stats and special rules were written there and I think there was some room for a picture as well. It was really helpful and looked quite cool. :)
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Re: P&M Token/counters competition

Post by Daeron »

It could be interesting to keep a token for a failed fear test, but considering it lasts only a single combat round I'm not sure I'd bother with the management of the token itself. I might be tempted to try tokens for fleeing units, rallied units and other mundane effects which influence a subsequent phase of the game.
I love me a bowl of numbers to crunch for breakfast. If you need anything theoryhammered, I gladly take requests.

Furnace of Arcana, a warhammer blog with delusional grandeur.

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