Fitting Tyrion into 2,000 pts

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Fitting Tyrion into 2,000 pts

Post by flatworldsedge »

At the end of last year I included a special character in a list for the first time I can remember... the results of the battle are here The power was kind of seductive.

And I wondered if it might solve another issue. I started painting my army in August, and I've managed about 50% of 12 Shades and 50% of the Cold Ones of my 10 COK's (inc converted BSB and Dreadlord-ess). I'm enjoying it, and taking my time, and some of the conversions have been slow, yet I come to realise if working to my original 2,000 pt list it will take for ever... And playing with cardboard cutouts is getting a little old!

So I was wondering if I might steal Tyrion's stat line for Veysha, which I would do shamelessly, might mean I could table an actual army fully painted sooner.

The following list quite appeals to me. I own the Witch Elves but haven't built them yet, so am wondering if I might drop them for more Dark Riders.

What do you all think? Any comments appreciated!

Veysha (Tyrion) 700

Lv3 Supreme Sorceress - Life 185
Pegasus 50
4+ Ward 45

(980 characters)

9x COK's - Full command, Gleaming Pennant 305

6x Shades 96
6x Shades 96

(497 special)

6x Dark Riders Music Shields RXB 130
6x Dark Riders Music Shields RXB 130

24x Witch Elves 264

(524 core)
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Re: Fitting Tyrion into 2,000 pts

Post by T.D. »

flatworldsedge wrote:So I was wondering if I might steal Tyrion's stat line for Veysha, which I would do shamelessly, might mean I could table an actual army fully painted sooner.

No shame. Veysha is now the Chosen One :twisted:

Looks loads of fun. Vulnerable to warmachines and certain spells, but for a small list it has the mobility and power to wreck things.
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Re: Fitting Tyrion into 2,000 pts

Post by flatworldsedge »

Thanks - good point! Think I will give it a go. Looks like the next few months I'll only be playing against Beastmen and WoC, so warmachines not a massive issue, though I wish I could get a scroll or extra level on the sorceress... Maybe shift her to a steed?
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Re: Fitting Tyrion into 2,000 pts

Post by Marchosias »

I generally dislike such super-powerful, super-expensive characters. The game becomes quite one-dimensional because of them: in many cases your opponent will have no way to contain them and you will be able to steamroll him with just one single model. This is fun for neither of the participants. And if your opponent does contain him somehow you will be immediately at a grave disadvantage.

That said, I do not know the rules for Tyrion but if his power justifies the cost he should fall into this category. I think he has flaming attacks, right? This would mean a humble hero with a dragonbane gem could pin him down and even grind him to death. If this is not the case, a well-designed fighty lord could perhaps stand a chance as well (by the way, tell your beastmen friend to play some doombulls. Armour of destiny, arabyan carpet, mark of Tzeentch, GW and you are suddenly facing a monster with five (or more) high strength attacks (S8 I think) and 3++ ward. Suddenly his army would have something you would really have to be worried about, leading to more interesting battles. Alternatively, Beastmen have an item that allows their heroes to attack every time they make a successful armour save. Combine it with dawnstone and take down a horde of witches without breaking a sweat.)

There is nothing bad with playing character-heavy and it really does allow you to field a painted army faster than expected. I just think that instead of a single Tyrion, you should maybe take three masters or dreadlords. They will be able to operate separately if needed, threatening a larger area (handy if your opponent takes lots of chariots for example - Tyrion only kills one chariot a turn). Combined, their power is vast. And you can bring several interesting toys in the game that way. If nothing else, cloak of twilight is much fun and TOTS can be invaluable against certain opponents such as the aforementioned 3++ warded doombull.
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Re: Fitting Tyrion into 2,000 pts

Post by flatworldsedge »

Thanks Marchosias for the detailed thoughts - and you're pretty much bang on why I've never considered this before! It does indeed push things a little too much towards the coin toss; generally leaving you either exultant that the point-sink lives (and your opponent depressed by the inevitability with which it deletes his/her troops) or, well, the reverse. Like Greater Demons, the new, super high cost characters feel like they could sap the fun from games in this way.

That said, as a shorter term plan to get fielding a fully painted army, I think I'll give it a go for a little while. FWIW, Tyrion has a 2+ ward vs. fire, but his attacks aren't flaming; That said - the flying, warded Doombull sounds like a pretty outrageous beast himself. Regarding the multiple Masters I'm really struggling... I can see their incredible application, the wonderful economy of boosted toughness and wounds for so little cost when mounting on Pegasi, yet... with Veysha on a Cold One, I don't think I can aesthetically/fluff-wise pull it off without making them feel like the centre-piece of story and tabletop.
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Re: Fitting Tyrion into 2,000 pts

Post by Marchosias »

Ah, forgot about the aesthetics argument. In this case, you can mount the additional heroes on cold ones or dark steeds. The +1 wound, +1 toughness from a pegasus is incredible but their main selling point is still their speed and flexibility. Steed heroes are very fast as well and can go in a fast cavalry unit for look out and ranks so they are an interesting option as well.
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Re: Fitting Tyrion into 2,000 pts

Post by Kerupto »

If you google 'tyrion avatar of khaine rules' it comes up on images.

I am in the process of painting up the Avatar of Khaine (from the COB) in flame colours. I plan to use that model as I just love the look of it on the battlefield, even though its meant to be a Calvary model. However the only time I will use it is against other titans of the warhammer world, otherwise its a pretty OP choice.

Basically he has ASF, Frenzy, IMP, Murderous Prowess. Sword: the Window Maker, (so WS 10 you hit on 3+), ASF rerolls (Initiative 10). Hits from the widowmaker auto wounds causing D6 wounds, with no armour saves.

Protection is 1+ AS, 4++, and magic res (2) and fireborn special rule. In addition he has the heart of avelon, so when he has lost his last would, on a 2+ he lives with 1 wound, and the heart is destroyed.

There is also a bound spell for raising skeletons which is fluffy and cool.

I plan to take photos of my army soon and put them on the Painting thread.
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